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Fly Tying

joseph russell

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Everything posted by joseph russell

  1. Did you want to know what we are tying Or would like to be tying?
  2. Its my fault DavidHE I should have put what I was using but I'm still gonna throw in them chironomids .
  3. Well it was partridge that I used I'm done . But I'm gonna throw in another one a Chironomids with gold tensile and red thread
  4. Do we list what we are using for materiel ?
  5. I have never tied them before so this be a first will have to look them up.
  6. Joseph - so are you changing from a pink pookie to a chartreuse pookie? Hum now that sounds good will do a chartreuse pookie then
  7. Not happy with the way these are turning out gonna look for a different pattern
  8. Gonna make something like the pink pookie
  9. Will get mine out Thursday or Friday after I get paid.
  10. Hook:#14 Body: Dog hair Wire from power cord for weight Rib: Gold tinsel from kid craft box Nymph back: potato chip bag cut in to strips Head: black marker
  11. Oh mine is just awesome possum I forgot to say I was substituting it.lol
  12. Grizzly Half Calf Emerger hook: size 14 dry tail: yellow grizzly hackle fibers body: Tasmanian possum hair wing: Calf body hair white hackle: brown and grizzly dry hackle
  13. I will be tying a Caddis pupa Nymph with dyed dog hair.
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