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Fly Tying

joseph russell

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Everything posted by joseph russell

  1. I'm gonna be tying a Blue Wing Olive emerger
  2. Any special rules or just your basic swap rules apply.
  3. Yes I can get them in by that time. This should be fun.Thanks Joseph
  4. Four now two are sent out and one is going out on monday and the last one I just started.
  5. I would like to join in I thimk I have 40 post now
  6. I really like my float tube I got it fr a friend with waders and boots for $100 bucks
  7. I'm glad they showed up and that you liked them. Thanks for letting me join in
  8. So you use 9 dozen hooks/day for peronal use? Wow! Most avid tyers go through a lot of hooks. So why do most fly shops only sell them in those silly 25 packs? Yeah why sell them little packs of 25 that's enough for one swap as most swaps are with 12 people involved on them most of the time I send two each . And I was thinking I had a lot wow some of you guys have your own little warehouse of hooks lol
  9. That's so true every swap maybe get some new hooks you never know when you may need them LOL
  10. That is a nice looking caddis pupa
  11. I couldn't get the picture from my phone . I will keep trying LOL
  12. Well you think I have enough hooks on hand so i m pretty much ready for any thing Lol
  13. First set done now Im gonna need another one I'm trying to hurry . I will pick a nice one as they all sound new to me lol I have only been tying for two years now . But I will make some nice ones .
  14. The food coloring was only like $2.00 I think I have never used cool aid but there are more cool aid colors that's for sure.
  15. I only used a cap full of vinegar but this is to set the color . Maybe limit the time and rinse it sooner maybe
  16. Looks great I have never did a pelt only experiments on my dogs fur and other stuff . I just used food coloring and vinegar. These are the colors I have made and one is her natural color I will have to give a pelt a try and see how it works.
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