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Fly Tying

joseph russell

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Everything posted by joseph russell

  1. Mine are ready I will get them out on Monday
  2. Got mine today as well great job everyone
  3. Not sure if I have time for this one
  4. jmckaughan you flies have arrived well done .
  5. I used 5 minute epoxy once so this will give me some experience with this .
  6. Will try and fix the extra pictures when I get to a computer.
  7. URL=http://s124.photobucket.com/user/sumojoho/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150502_112905_zpse5yfpxpv.jpg.html][/url]
  8. URL=http://s124.photobucket.com/user/sumojoho/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150502_114250_zps80un6dzb.jpg.html][/url]
  9. I don't know what this Linda nail resin is I will try a sample.
  10. I been watching videos on doing the wings . But not as easy as it looks
  11. Oh yeah the flies I Sent are feather wing kind I will still be sending the extended body ones but with next month flies.
  12. I have a cheap as the come vise it was from a kit it is not in the best of shape I been looking here and there as well.
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