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Fly Tying

joseph russell

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Everything posted by joseph russell

  1. I received artimus001 yesterday and today from foambug
  2. Got mine today man I need to step up my game mine are small compared to some of these .
  3. Carpflyguy your flies made it . There great looking flies Thanks extras
  4. Sweet I will keep my eyes out for them artimus001
  5. Ok guys will keep an eye out for them.
  6. nothing as of yet I will keep my eyes out for them.
  7. I have never fly fished for carp only once with a spinning rod and corn tortilla and bam there went my rod in the water so after I went knèe deep to get my rod back and still had that sucker on . It was hug 10 lb or better took it home and cooked it up . Had a bunch of pin bones but tastes good .
  8. How is everyone doing on there flies ?
  9. I changed the date to the 25th of April hope you all don't mind.
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