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Fly Tying


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  1. I haven't done a video in a while so hopefully I'm not too rusty. First crack with the mac using iMovie. In the near future I'm going to tweak the format along with some improved tech to up the production value, but one thing at a time! VN Caddis Hook: 12-16 Scud Body: Virtual Nymph Nymph Skin Caddis Green Legs: Soft Hackle Thorax: Ostrich Herl Thread: 70 Black Video Tying Guide
  2. Last year I organized a fundraiser for PHWFF and I'm excited to announce we'll be doing it again over Veterans Day! This year is an auction format so at the moment I'm collecting donations from sponsors. If interested you can learn more here. I'll keep you posted on the products up for auction, but if anyone wants to donate flies I'll package them up for auction or include them event promotions. If you're interest email me at [email protected] Thanks - Kyle
  3. Pretty straight forward beetle, more of a spot light on a cool product from virtual nymph Coleoptera Body Rubber Leg Beetle Hook: 10-16 Dry Body: Peacock Herl Back: Coleoptera Body – Virtual Nymph Legs: Black Rubber Legs Indicator: Nail Polish Thread: 70 Black Video Tying Guide
  4. Here is a really easy Crane Fly Larva pattern: Crane Fly Larva Hook: 6-10 Curved Nymph Tail: Soft Hackle Body: Translucent Nymph Skin Thread: 140 Rusty Brown Video Tying Guide
  5. Fly Tying Guide: http://youtu.be/gXfb_dOrhHM
  6. Here is one of my favorite bass patterns Zuddler Hook: 2-6 Streamer Flash: Pearl Crystal Flash Body: Silver Diamond Braid Back: Zonker Strip Thorax/Collar: Deer Hair Legs: Round Rubber Legs Thread: 140 White
  7. Thanks for checking it out! These are the 3mm or 1/8 inch eyes. Let me know what you think of think of the glue...as said it takes a little longer to dry, but I like the consistency and results. Be sure to shop around variety of prices out there...Home Depot was the cheapest I found
  8. Flytire got it Loctite Go2 glue. I really like this stuff and use it for an increasing amount of applications. It takes a little longer to dry, but the finish is crystal clear and very durable I wrote a recent blog on glues if you're interested: http://www.hammercreekflyfishing.com/blog/the-glues-i-use. Thanks for checking it out and the nice feedback.
  9. Here is a classic deer hair streamer...sorry for the focus issues! Thunder Creek Minnow Hook: 2-8 Streamer Underbody: Flat Diamond Braid - Pearl Flash: Pearl Crystal Flash Head & Body: Olive & White Bucktail Thread: 70 White Video Tying Guide
  10. Looks good I tie one similar... The marker is a nice touch!cheers Vladi Worm Variant:
  11. Here's a little variation on the effective Skinny Nelson Hook: 14-18 Jig Tail: Pheasant Tail Body: 70 Black Thread Hotspot: 70 Fire Orange Thread Rib: Fine Gold Wire Thorax: Peacock Herl Flash: Pearl Tinsel Thread: 70 Black Video Tying Guide
  12. Really appreciate that, thanks for checking them out!
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