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Fly Tying


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About thinkingredneck

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/02/1959

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    central Mississippi

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  1. The above argument about internet usage, reminds me of Kissinger's quote about academia, "the fights are so viscious because the stakes are so small."
  2. Very nice. What is spike dubbing?
  3. Very good ties. Wooly Bugger type flies, Clousers and Deceivers all can be modified to your needs. The Captain makes a vital point: different weight eyes fot different depths. You can use bead chain, dumbells, aluminum dumbells, or clear cure goo dumbells for different depths. Or use different fly lines. I have had luck with plain old Wooly Buggers. Bass can be single minded during a minnow blitz and ignore a live minnow if it is not the same type! (Don't ask how I know!)
  4. A serious concern for us all is the loss of digital information. Or the inability to lose it. Someone will store your embarassing photos forever, but valuable information may be lost with a single keystroke.
  5. Foam popper with weed guard in yellow with rubber legs. Clouser minnow. Purple or Purple/Chartreuse Wooly Bugger in Cinnamon with bead head
  6. Before long, you will be "the old guys." It happens fast.
  7. Try Feather Craft. You either need a narrow bobbin or inserts on each side of the narrow spool. I saw a guy cut down a regular spool and make it work with a Pearsals spool, by gluing a piece on each side. If you want tradition, go with silk. Any thread will work to make soft hackles that work, however. .
  8. Sorry about the errors in my last post, I am trying to do this from my tablet.
  9. Tom McGuane's The Longest Silence is a wonderful collection of stories. His Ninet two in the shade is probably the second best novel ever written on fishing,, second onlymto Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. Jim Harrison's work. Guy de Valdene's books. Funny, they all fished together and were/are friends with the outdoor painter Russel Chatham. (Except for Hemingway). Trey Coombs Steelhead book. Also, the Hiistory of Fly Fishing in 50 Flies. I also liked Sylvester Nemes, John Geirach, Taply, etc. Of course the River RunsnThrough it Book and Movie. My favorite how to books are by Clouser, Krey, Jaworski, Tom Nixon, AK Best, Dave Hughes, and of course, the Fly Tyer's Reference. Becausenof open heart surgery, I haven't been able to get out (one more week!), so I have been reading a lot. I read a lot anyway, beacuse TV rots my brain after a while.
  10. Clouser wrote in his book, that when tying for trout a hook should reach near the end of the hair. And be subtle (narural ) colors.
  11. A size 16 Adams parachute is always a good place to start. Or Al Troth's Elk Hare Caddis if there are a lot of caddis about. I also agree that a Wooly Worm is deadly, especially under trees. When fishing underwater, if the bottom is dark I use a PT, if light, a GRHE. That is my simplified approach to streams. In lakes I have had great success with a Carey special or Wooly Bugger. I love wet flies, but seldom use them for trout. Bream, however...
  12. The only problem with sleeves is that they are easy to drop and have blown away. Otherwise a perfect choice. You just have to put them away before tying the fly on.
  13. Tim Rajeff-fortunate enough to take 2 casting seminars with him Mike Clark -a bamboo rod he made is a very treasured possession. Mark Noble Brian Silvey-guided us Charlie Craven-my first tying class I also briefly met: A K Best John Geirach -met at Mike's shop Ed Engle Denny Rickards Alec Jackson Al Beatty Gary Loomis
  14. Gloom and doom. Every generation predicts the world is going to h..l. Heard it all before.
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