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Fly Tying


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About Primitive1

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman

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    Smallmouth Bass
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  1. One last thing, though I didn't realize it, the weighting of the crayfish flies actually resembles a crawfish 'in berry', another 'plus' I really wasn't expecting but came to realize later...
  2. I have always enjoyed great success with crayfish/crawfish flies. I spent years and uncountable attempts at creating a pattern that was a culmination of 'Spey' types and typical warm water imitations...some were more successful than others. These are the two 'types' I ended up with...both have been exceedingly successful in still or fast moving water (that latter is what I was really targeting but they have been extremetly effective even in ponds around my area). The dark and light SpeyCrays are what I ended up with after trial and error and are more of a '...ohhh, look-see!'...type of fly whereas the StreamCrays are my typical tie and what I typically take with me to fish the local waters. One of the nice '...whoa, wasn't expecting that..' outcomes of this fly is its weight design...it's basically a mono loop with 5 tiny tungsten beads floating on it...it has been great in streams and still water; getting the fly down fast yet allowing for some flexibility in getting out of cracks and crevices (mono and beads move). Couldn't be happier...Anyway, I've also added (I hope) a couple of my 'break convention' Stimulator types that I'll be skating to some smallie hopefuls this fall... Cheers, Primitive1.
  3. Hi all, glad to join and look forward to future community sharing! A little about me, half a century old, married and have a son and we all enjoy fly fishing. My wife and I married a little over a decade ago over the Vermillion Gorge in MN and fly-fished for smallies, pike and muskie for our honeymoon. Not much has changed over the years other than my son has joined in and the fun continues. On a rather ironic note, though I have fly-fished and tied for over 30 years, I had never caught a trout on a fly rod...until recently on our 10yr anniversary to the North Fork of the White River...and caught some real beauties (wild rainbow)...what a real treat for the both of us! Anyway, my passion is really smallies in Missouri's waterways with Panfish and Largemouth taking second place. I make my own rods, leaders and flies for the family...I have some pics I'll share from some recent time at the tying bench...though I need to locate the appropriate forum. Lastly, I'm in the process of getting the hardware for a 10', 6wt Sage VXP blank that I'm looking to modify to a nymph/switch type rod...should be fun and look forward to expanding my knowledge...let me know if others have some experience to share in my latest hybrid creation! Cheers, Craig (aka Primitive1 - due to the fact I make primitive self bows/arrows etc... as well).
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