Hi all, glad to join and look forward to future community sharing! A little about me, half a century old, married and have a son and we all enjoy fly fishing. My wife and I married a little over a decade ago over the Vermillion Gorge in MN and fly-fished for smallies, pike and muskie for our honeymoon. Not much has changed over the years other than my son has joined in and the fun continues. On a rather ironic note, though I have fly-fished and tied for over 30 years, I had never caught a trout on a fly rod...until recently on our 10yr anniversary to the North Fork of the White River...and caught some real beauties (wild rainbow)...what a real treat for the both of us! Anyway, my passion is really smallies in Missouri's waterways with Panfish and Largemouth taking second place. I make my own rods, leaders and flies for the family...I have some pics I'll share from some recent time at the tying bench...though I need to locate the appropriate forum. Lastly, I'm in the process of getting the hardware for a 10', 6wt Sage VXP blank that I'm looking to modify to a nymph/switch type rod...should be fun and look forward to expanding my knowledge...let me know if others have some experience to share in my latest hybrid creation! Cheers, Craig (aka Primitive1 - due to the fact I make primitive self bows/arrows etc... as well).