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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by jlb1119

  1. Used my credit card through pay pal so not too worried about any kind of unscrupulous behavior. The hackle was in a plastic zip lock and sent in a letter envelope, cost to ship was 48 cents..... company was "hairflairs", maybe they are trying to unload stuff post-feather craze

  2. Just wanted to share a pretty good deal I found on that big auction site. 100 pieces of Whiting midge sized grizzly saddle hackle for $19.99 (free shipping). Placed an order and got today, sizes ranged from 18 to 24 with the bulk in size 20. Was a little skeptical but decided to take one for the team and am pretty happy with what I got for that price point. Just an FYI, hopefully this type of posting is allowed on here.... Time to tie up some Griffiths gnats!

  3. Hi, new member here, great forum. I have a quick question regarding Allen hooks. I have a mixture of Allen, TMC, and some Daiichi hooks, and really like Allen's barbless line. I have noticed that when comparing the hook shank length of an Allen standard dry fly (D101BL) to the equivalent size of a TMC 100, the Allen shank length seem to be equivalent to a TMC that is one size below, ie. an Allen size 12 is really comparable to the shank length of a TMC 100 size 14. However, the hook gape is slightly wider for the Allen hook. Has anyone else noticed this? If so, is this typical for Allen hooks? Thanks!

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