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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by BnD

  1. I have been given a whole lot of emu feathers...they have dark black tips and then fade to white near the bottom...question is can these be used? and for what style flies? any pics of flies u have tied with them would be great!! thanks...

  2. I fished with my dad when i was a kid 10 years old i would say, just spin casting though. Kept at it up until 3 years ago when my wife bought me a fly rod for my birthday...been hooked since...taught myself by watching videos and reading lots. Now just recently have also started tying flies, and catching fish with my flies :) I plan to teach my 6 week old son as soon as he can hold a rod as well :) :)

  3. A friend of mine at work has a aquired an old A.L. & W bamboo fly rod. It's in pretty rough shape, missing a couple eyes and the markings are pretty hard to read...can't find a weight on it but it says "Power Libre" on the butt by the A.L.&W markings...anybody on here know anything about these rods?


    Thank you



  4. BnD.... how recently? I just left Cabelas site, and they have that Wind River reel on sale for $19.99. Let me know how you like it and maybe I'll grab one.

    I bought it at the recent store opening in Nanaimo BC...Sept.9/2014...its held up to everything i've fished so far (100+ pinks...and countless trout..) Puts the greys gx 300 that it replaced of mine to shame...

  5. Living right next to the bow river near Calgary and never fished it before, i would have to put that at the top of my list as well. I feel kind of silly because of it. Being a fly fisherman and living so close to one of the top trout fisheries in the world and never have fished it before. People travel from all over the world to fish it while i live so close to it and still have not fished it. So its defiantly on the top of my list. Other than that i have no clue.


    Also welcome to the forum!!

    Thanx for the welcome...my wife and I are planning a trip to the bow river next year :)

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