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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Lucian.Vasies

  1. probably the stem is too stiff and the barbs too thick .I bought and used a lot of capes from Whiting and some of them had this problem. Try to contact your local shop or dealer , probably they will replace that cape
  2. Hi guys, I just start tying again after a long absence . Today I play a little bit with UTC thread , one brand that I like a lot. I used orange color combined with olive color. I tied small perdigon flies, a kind of Spanish nymphs that works excellent in fast flowing rivers. This model is tied on a special hook with short shank, round bend and long tip. Is a fantastic hook that keeps very well the fish in fighting time. probably the fly is not very well known but in European fishing comp is used for more than 6 years especially for fishing in rivers with high fishing pressure. These flies are usually tied on small and very small hooks #16, #18, #20 and the bead is over sized to help the fly to sink very fast. best, Lucian
  3. I bought ceramic tubes made in Japan and I customized by bobbins based on my tying habits cheers
  4. Hi guys, I was out for a few days so I didn't had time to reply. A few words about me because there is a lot of confusion. I'm living in Italy , I love fly fishing and fly tying, I'm CI FFF and I work in medical industry. My father with the same name like mine( Lucian ) runs a small business in heart of Transylvania - Romania : www.troutline.ro. I offer support to my family business when I have time, I develop flies for them and for Mouche Devaux France in the same time. I write fishing articles for more than 10 years in some magazines from Romania, and other countries and of course in online too ( even here I have a few articles published ) Now about this fly called winged nymph: the entire construction is focused on movement and materials with low density. I don't use stems of CDC because stems are stiff. I use only barbs from CDC feathers. CDC is very popular in entire Europe and is not used only for dry flies ( please take a look at PetitJean nymphs and wets ) Is not important what type of hook is used: classic, jig or curved works excellent in the same time. For example bellow is the same fly tied on classic hook: A nymph considered as a classic fly by czech guys is this one bellow tied with CDC ( body included ). Collar is made of CDC of course. The fly is tied from size #16 up to #12. Is used in competitions for a few good years and was a secret fly for many many years . cheers, Lucian
  5. Hi guys, @ Vicrider - Is Madd rabbit dubbing used for body : in fact is hare mask hair. @ Harold - depends of size, between 0.5grams up to 1.5grams. Sometimes I use bigger hooks - size #8 or #6 and the weight can be 2grams.. I prefer to use CDC instead of marabou. I used marabou but the results was not so good like with CDC. best, Lucian
  6. Hi guys, I finished the article about this type of nymph ( why is tied like this and all things behind this concept ) , for those interested here is the link: http://www.flytying.ro/winged-nymphs-for-dynamic-nymphing/ cheers Lucian
  7. Hi guys, I wrote an article about tying wings with CDC for dun flies here on Globalflyfisher : http://globalflyfisher.com/tie-better/wings-with-cdc best, Lucian
  8. Hi guys, This fly bellow is one of the team that I use for late fishing here in Europe. I had fantastic results in Poland and Italy with this pattern. I hope you like it : Materials used: Hook: Maruto D23 BL in size #14, 16, 18 Thread: 17/0 Uni Body: Devaux Condor Substitute in yellow Tail: Coq de Leon Pardo Corzuno Oscuro Wing: Ultra Selected CDC in natural Tan color cheers Lucian
  9. Thanks Adam . Dave, ribbing is troutline UV ribbing fiber .
  10. Hi guys, This is one of my nymphs ( from winged nymphs series ) that catches trout anytime. It's not a classic fly, it's an interesting hybrid between a jig nymph and a streamer. What is so special about this fly? The way it behaves in water.It's a fly with lots of movement, you can play it behind a rock until trout will take it. Just jig it and it will be irresistible for fish cheers, Lucian
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