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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Lucian.Vasies

  1. TJM, UV resin, especially colored one is making wave these days. Frankly I think any colored thread coated with a little bit of transparent resin or head cement will provide the same results
  2. Something that worked well for me last season:
  3. Glad that you like it. I had a few trout on it but I was extremely surprised how good was on lakes for bass and perch
  4. Here is my most successful pattern for fishing bass and perch on lakes in Italy. I had lot of results with this model. It is simple , a 4min tying time fly: years ago I used epoxy to coat the body, for this reason tying time was longer. A marker to color the belly and another coating with head cement. But in time the epoxy goes yellow and was not on my taste. Now I'm very happy to use uv resin
  5. Thank you for your posts Bob! Love them, much appreciated !
  6. why I like these flies: *Not bulky and not big,in fact are tied on size #12-16. *The slim profile help the fly to sink as faster as possible. *Durable with a semi-realistic look these flies catch fish.
  7. Tvrdek vices are good even for #22 hooks. I personally use this vise for more than 10 years and works fine, like in the first day
  8. Just a simple one: Hooks: Curved BL in size #12 Thread: 70 Den flat Ribbing: fine uv ribbing tinsel - flat and colored blue Coating: ultra fine UV resin Cheeks: Hot Orange UV Resin Antennae: CDC white
  9. My eyes are still ok no need to use magnifier. But I think that I will start using glasses from this Spring ( difficult to make cdc duns on size #18-22 ). To obtain fine and tapered bodies I tie a lot the same fly until the result is good and the flies look the same. probably the most important thing is the thread, I use very thin thread: 70den flat is the best for me. I spend around 3-6 min on a fly. For example, on the gammarus I spend around 6-8min because I have to catch in a dubbing loop the dubbing and CDC fibers. I prepare the CDC and dubbing for that body each time and is time consuming For a baetis nymph I spend 3 min for tying. I usually tie 10, one after one and I prepare the materials before starting tying process.
  10. Here is mine made with orange, silver and black colors combination. I replaced the hot orange made of thread with UV resin ( more simple, no needed to change the thread , and faster tying ) Recipe: *Hook Demmon W633 #12-18 *Thread black *Tinsel wire silver *Hackle made of grey partridge one turn and half *Hot spot made of UV hot orange resin
  11. Hi Darell and Rick, thanks . @Darell -Of course that I have and I tie flies without beads: baetis type: Bugs, GRHE and PT here are just a few TL Lucian
  12. Hi guys. Here are my favorite baetis nymphs tied with tungsten beads. I like them because are very east to tie, effective, easy to find material and super fast to make them ( if your materials are ready prepared each fly will take 3min maximum ) Lot of tiers, these days tie complicate flies, I do not know, probably too much time to spend Simple flies and effective too are too often forgotten. Anyway here are my baetis, I prefer to tie in size #14,16 and 18. Each color and size has a row with 20positions in my fly box. I really love them because they catch fish all the time, from late Spring till late Autumn.
  13. Here are my simplest to tie and my most efficient spinners and dun flies I use only CDC for making there flies. my favourite and simple to tie: Recipe: Hook: Maruto Dohitomi D04 BL #14-16 Thread: 70 DEN white from Uni Tail: Coq de Leon Body: Troutline Stripped peacock quill Wing: CDC natural dark grey Head - colored with orange permanent marker
  14. Hi guys, First of all Happy New Year to all our members I need your advice and help to tie a few bonefish flies. I never tied such flies and I never went for fishing for this fish. I will go in Maldive Islands. Some advice about patterns and size of the hooks will be fantastic. Thanks! Lucian
  15. I use this one bellow. I love it because is spinning fast, easy to work with and durable. It is a life time tool. I will never go back on those cheap indian tools
  16. Hi guys, Here is my version of larva midge. It works great for me and is tied with black thread and red catgut. I make it simple as possible on small and very small hooks. The is deadly for grayling and trout when I used it in deep pools with sediments . I never fished on lakes and I do not know how works but I presume that can catch a few fish... Do you have other versions that work for you? Can you share them? Thanks!
  17. The long feathers looks odd indeed but they float well and the wing is over the water. Don't bother the fish. Lots of fishermen trim the feathers to "proportion" but is wrong. The feather should not be trimmed
  18. these nymphs , filling my boxes for April fishing in Slovenia and Italy
  19. #14 is the biggest sized used. I fish normally with size #16-18 . When I fish grayling and is too difficult to catch, I go down #20-22 my favourite is the Varivas BL 2200 hooks
  20. #20-22, I know guys who use a size 24. One cdc feather/barbs tied long enough to be noticed easly. I do not trim the feather, it is a big mistake. Even if the fly looks weard with a long feather and small body it is not a problem, the feather is mostly out from water and do not bother the fish.
  21. Difficult to tie? Not at all . Just 3 CDC feathers, a body made of quill and a few turns with dubbing where CDC are fixed.Optional a turn of soft hackle for movement when the fly floats in drift or I use small pulls .... Floats fantastic well ( if the fly is tied in the correct way), no a splash if you cast far away and it will not scare the fish. natural look, easy to be noticed even if the wind is blowing.. Can be fished on rivers like a simple emerger. Can be fished on lakes with or without retrieves . I never go fishing without this fly tied in different way, late in the day when the light is decreasing this is my best fly to catch big fish cheers L
  22. for lake ( sometimes I tie them on super small hooks and work great for trout in rivers too ) The quill is coated with ultra thin uv resin to keep slim body and to protect it from fish teeth
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