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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Lucian.Vasies

  1. Here it is: materials: Demmon BL D400 hook size #14 Body made of biot Hackle made of guar hair fur from Hare Wing: CDC in loop It works on trout in slow and medium fast running rivers
  2. Hi guys, I'm curious how are your peeping caddis. Years and years I used this fly. During time I modified the hackle position, dubbing texture, materials , profile and so on until I obtained the bellow model. I really love it, very easy to tie, durable and I consider it a trout extractor Where is a super fast current or a deep pool I put this fly and I catch a fish
  3. not sure that all or almost all plastic glasses are distorsion free. Not sure about quality of coating and how fast these type of coating get old. I've asked a friend to measure in lab my 3 year old polaroid glasses. UV protection was decreased at 70%, the clarity decreased also and polarisation was affected too... Not sure that a pair of eye glasses can be compared with a rod. Rod depends how is your style of casting and your technique . Eyes are different kind of fish. You can destroy your eyes with a pair of glasses made of poor quality materials ( bad clarity will force the eye to keep the eye pupil opened more than should be - means forced eye muscle, means more UV light received by your eye, cmeans damaging your eye in a short period of time )....
  4. these flies never let me down. Simple to tie, even a beginner can make them in 5min: I dropped to make the tail and I tie the hot spot down and not behind the bead.
  5. I the past I used hard bites studs from Simms. Expensive and not good Now I use tungsten studs: 2 weeks of fishing in these kind or rivers: never had a problem and I'm more than pleased
  6. guys, I'm looking to buy really good quality glasses not fancy and not cheap ones. These days you will find a lot of polarized glasses, even those 3-5dollars are good. But this is not enough. I want to protect my eyes, protection is on the first place. Not only the polarized property. When I say protection I'm thinking at: *100% UV protection *100% free of geometrical distortion *high clarity lenses *high contrast *high polarized properies The second set is the color filter. I need something to filter that metallic color (the water color before sunset). Usually that strange color of water it is for 30min maximum one hour if is cloudy outside. I go for fishing mainly in Lapland ( Polar Circle ) and this moment is from 8pm till 2AM. If is cloudy can be even from 4PM... So if you are not very careful and you are in the middle of the river you risk to brake your legs between big rocks. There are sharp and big rocks under water surface and you cannot see them Is very risky. Just to have an idea about how the water have that color And when is sunny outside you can see how is the river bottom: Of course that you will find a cheap eyeglasses with good polarized properties but will not protect your eyes by UV light ( which damage the most your retina ) A cheap eyeglasses pair will have geometrical distortions in lenses ( high technology is needed to avoid that and that costs ) Then clarity, contrast, coatings need to last without loosing the properties!. For example a cheap coating filter will loose properties in time, Exactly like your tippet line exposed at light, weather and temperature variations...It will loose the properties. Until now I search on Smith, Costa, Maui, Oakley, Ray Ban sites. Nothing clear about color filters, when you should choose a specific color and why..... Till now I'm not convinced by any brand what should I buy. A lot of commercial cr@#$ap
  7. I'm curious to hear the opinion of a specialist about these new generation of eyeglasses. Glass or polycarbonate ?? Anyway I want to buy a good pair of glasses. I will stay each Summer in Lapland (polar circe) for at least one month. In July and August is full light, means that in July, at 2am you can read your paper... But the waters are dark in color, not muddy, are clear but are more like coca-cola.The color is from earthy brown soil, it is a kind of acid moor. Lot of light outside but very dark waters. Also late in the day the light is kind of metallic grey. I found difficult to wear sunglasses .... I really do not know what color should I choose....
  8. ok, I will loot at Mauii to check the models. I still wait more advice and feedback. Regarding colors? Any suggestions? Thanks!
  9. Hi guys, I need your advice in choosing a pair of good eye glasses. I used Devaux with glass lenses, very good but I lost them in Lapland last Autumn. I'm looking for a good pair. I need to take care of my eyes to tie flies . I know that this topic is not new... But the last one was in 2015 so there are 2 years from then... I heard about Costa Del Mar that they have a bad service support. Smith and Oakley seems to be good but never tested... I do not not about Ray Ban... Other brands? So for river fishing which is your advice? Thank you in advance:) Lucian
  10. oh, ok, I understand what you say. You are right. bellow is a crop, as you can see in the bead there is white and some grey. White is from flash and the grey is the shadow of my macro lenses. The flash light is in angle,it is kind of tangent. The flash is rectangular so the white from the bead is the result of that.
  11. Hi guys, I'm glad that you like my flies. About photos, there is no secret, I use DYI soft box made of carton big box with lot of white paper glued inside. I used always reflected light and no direct light. On my blog there are 2 articles about how I take my photos. I use from one up to 3 sources of light to be sure that everything is well lighting ( not strong but uniform). In this case I used 3 sources - desk lamps. I use magnet under a piece of paper to keep the fly like it is in photo. Not easy to set but with a little bit of patience anybody can do that About bead - is not perfect rounded, there is no lens distortion. A lens distortion will be visible in entire photo not only in such small area. I use Sony mirrorless combined with a macro lens. Also I use several DSLR Nikon cameras from time to time . But I find Sony very easy to work with . If you need more info just let me know and I will help with pleasure Thanks
  12. My "old" bugs developed based on GRHE: I always love these flies and GRHE is one of my favorite fly for starting season. Now synthetic materials became more and more popular. I saw a lot of guys tying simple bugs, just wrapping some dubbing and the fly is ready. Hare fur is a fantastic material and combined with certain synthetic colors can be extremely effective.
  13. Thanks @TCTROUT - no, I do not bend the hooks for better looking flies. I use them like they are. I love to tie simple and fast tying flies .I always appreciate the realistic work but I prefer to tie as simple as possible. For example this model is quite complicated and I do not very much to tie it. It takes around 10min. But there are a few moments when I go for fishing in Lapland ( north Europe - Polar circle ) when only these nymphs work. So I have with me 10pcs with bead heads and 10 tied classic with wing case and thorax.
  14. Tying materials Demmon ST 900 BL #12-16 Tail made of Coq de Leon Pardo Corzuno Medio Under-Body made of yellow body thread Body is made of Troutline Synthetic Quill size M Gills are made of yellow thread Thorax is made of spiky dubbing mixed with synthetic dubbing Thorax bead is Jig Off Tungsten Head is made of small Tungsten bead
  15. Hi guys, Thanks a lot. I use my desktop ( windows software ). I used the short link set by youtube. On the uk forum works but here not so you saved me happy tying Lucian
  16. Hi guys, I'm new in making videos and also in posting them So please help me with info about what should I set the video code in a post to see directly the youtube window and not a link. Thanks Lucian
  17. Here it is: Materials: #12 D400 Demmon barbless hook red 70 Denier thread spiky dubbing in light olive ribbed with tinsel wing made of dyed khaki CDC hackle made of guard fibers from back of hare I fish in rivers like this one:
  18. One simple to tie but different compared with classic PT. The curved hook gives an anatomic look ( and the bright colors used in ribbing and hot spots work as kind of triggers.
  19. Thanks: Here it is: Demmon DJS 300 BL Jig hook size #12-14 Purple Tungsten bead - slotted Dubbing - any spiky dubbing you like Ribbing: UV ribbing tinsel Thorax: mix of black synthetic dubbing and orange synthetic dubbing Hackle: CDC
  20. Hi guys, Here is a bug for trout that I use in Spring time especially in fast flowing rivers, behind rocky stones and in deep pools:
  21. Those beads used by me are from Troutline . But I'm sure that you can find in USA in different store. The design ( shape) of these beads was developed by french business Bidoz a few good years ago. As you know, the main source of tungsten is China. These beads now are copied by chinese factories and they sold everywhere. Different sellers like Troutline, Hareline and so on have these beads colored in different ways. here is photo with those from Europe: Pros for these beads: * you can use in thorax area with nice effect and more balanced behavior *you can give an eccentric effect on normal hooks something similar with jig hooks ( especially where jig hooks are banned ), the fly will "swim" with point up ->less snags Cons: *more expensive than classic tungsten or slotted tungsten beads *not so comfortable in tying, you need a lot of thread to be fixed on the hook shank I hope it helps cheers, Lucian
  22. Hi guys, from a while new kind of weights are on the market. Weights for tying nymphs. These beads are designed to flip the nymph with the point up and o behave similar with jig lures. So here is a nymph tied. I tested them this Spring, a had a few nice brown trout on them. I used them in deep pools and they worked ok. Not so many snags but I lost a few between big rocks on the bottoms. I will tie a small "army" and I will use more.
  23. Thanks, In fact this sedge is probably the most easy to tie dry Sedge. What you have to do is to twist the CDC barbs on the hook shank and to trim to shape. It is so simple but so effective on medium and slow waters. I had days and evenings on rivers from Slovenia when other flies was useless. And this model was the most effective by far.
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