Hi all,
Just starting to browse my options.
I haven't bought a new vise in 15 years.
But it's time to upgrade as I have the dedicated room and time to tie more and the old vises just aren't cuttiing it anymore.
I have a rotary vise but the calmp mechanism is accuated by two knobs.
So specifically I;d like to have a lever actuated clamping mechanism.
Also the rotation friction control on mine just plain sucks.
I mostly tie small stuff - and I have vises I can use for bigger hooks so I don't ned something that will handle everything from size 32 through 5/0.
Since the eyes have gone south I tend to stick between a size 18 and up.
I tie a lot of chironomids, buggers, nymphs of all sorts, some drys.
I like a heavy base with no clamp or permanet mount.
Can I find something decent for around $200 US ??
your suggestions and ideas to start the search would be most helpful !