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Fly Tying


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About bigcreekdad

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  • Location
    Au Sable River, Michigan

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  1. My son was 10 years active duty after graduating ROTC as a 2nd Lt. at Xavier University. His first assignment was with the 10th Mountain Division, with which he spent 15 months as a platoon leader in Iraq's Sunni Triangle just before and during the Iraq Surge. Very, very difficult tour for him, and us, which still affects him. For one action during that tour he was awarded the ARMY Commendation Medal, with a V for Valor. From there he went to and graduated from Ranger School, then went on to apply for the Special Forces. He was accepted and made it through their grueling weeding out process, and got his Green Beret. He then deployed to somewhere in Afghanistan as a 10 man team leader for 6 months with the 5th Special Forces Group. After retiring active duty as a Major, he went on to get his MBA at Univ of Chicago. He now lives and works in California, and has been in a Special Forces reserve unit for the last three years. I am sky high on my son, and have no idea where he got his military zeal from (he decided when he was 9 that he wanted to go in the Army). Thank God we have so many other heroes like my son. They all deserve our thanks, and prayers, and I don't think the younger generation understand, or appreciate their efforts. None of those who experience and persevere through what they did come back the same.
  2. Gotta go with marabou, with a bit of crystal flash. I use it as a wing on the Black Ghost as well instead of saddle hackle. Works well for, and I tie 100 or so every year for a well known fly shop in my area.
  3. My first fly at my first lesson...basic black wooly bugger. I was proud as hell. Don't know much about your vice, but if you look around you will see lots of them used by tyers.
  4. My personal best muskie....Lake of the Woods 2006. While I caught it on a large spinner bait, I tied up an orange streamer to use as a trailer....muskies love em ......well, they love them occasionally.
  5. Het MFG....where did you get that muskie (generally)....reminds me of the French River.
  6. Michigan Comparadun with shuck....a killer!
  7. Probably get stoned for this, but I did not at all like the Renzetti Traveler. I equally like Dyna King and Rega, and have and use both. I've been tying commercially for 25 years....far from bragging, but a really good vise is mandatory for me.
  8. I love fly fishing, but I started at 6 with worms. Graduated to lures in high school, while still using some live bait on occasion. I was introduced to serious fly fishing on Michigan's Au Sable River at 36. Bought a place on a trouty creek in that area at 49 and got into fly tying, both for myself and a well known fly shop. Since then ( I'm 74 now), I continued to fly fish for not just trout, but most freshwater species, and some saltwater ( tarpon, bonefish, bonita). Still, I have continued to use lures and bait all that time spinning and bait casting. I love it all!
  9. QUOTE (JaneyMae @ Feb 20 2004, 11:24 AM) QUOTE (Bear Coat @ Feb 20 2004, 10:33 AM) I don't remember you saying you had a Jack Russell Terrier , and yes, mine owns me too. I did tie a nymph from her sheddings and dubbed it on. I even caught a Smallmouth on it. I called the "The Little Rasquel". You too have a Russell? I knew I liked you! My son has all my fly tying stuff and is reluctant about giving it back. Maybe I'll try tying one using Mathilda Peabody's hair. What a grand idea!! You don't know what human ownership means til you have owned a flat coated retreiver
  10. Keep in touch as to when you are going, and where staying. I have a drift boat for the Big Water. Hate to go by myself.
  11. QUOTE (OSD @ Feb 22 2004, 11:06 AM) I love Big Creek I use-to fish it when I was a kid. I would start fishing it just north Luzerne and fish it all the way to were it flowed into the Au Sable. Thats a great location for a cabin you lucky dog Welcome to the web site bigcreekdad (You lucky dog) OSD. You would have fished right past my cabin. You must have missed that 20" brown right in front of my cabin.
  12. Hey- I have a cabin in Northern, Michigan on Big Creek ( one of the Au Sable River feaders). I fish the Au Sable from Grayling to well east of Mio. Ter riible disease.
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