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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by docjohn

  1. I love listening to you guys talk about "back in the day" I'm a beginner but wish I got into fly fishing early on. Now that I'm retired I'll have to be happy doing as much tying and fishing as I can fit in and learning as much as I can from guys like you!
  2. Thanks so much planettrout and Penzz. Much appreciated
  3. I've read in Charlie Craven's book that Superfine dubbing is great for dry flies. However when I look it up I find a Superfine by Wapsi and one by Hareline. Are these 2 companies the same or are these 2 different products?
  4. Yes single clicking does a nice job enlarging the image to where you can really see the fat
  5. PS I am not very familiar with the photo attachment process. I hope the last photo can be enlarged. The heaviest deposits of fat are around the perimeter and in the center. There is a thin layer just about over the whole surface also. Thanks
  6. FYI I was finally able to get a photo off. After seeing it does it change any opinions?
  7. ...and thanks also Gunpowderleader. I will take in all of the advice received here and use it to address the problem. I am new to this forum and appreciate the concern and suggestions from all
  8. Thanks phg. Maybe I'll try your recommendation rather than ask for an exchange. If nothing more for the experience. Docjohn
  9. Thanks so much guys. The article was very informative Bimini. It was a Hareline so maybe I will complain. Since it was the first skin I've ever bought I wasn't sure of what was acceptable. Tiny crystal like flakes also fall onto my table when I handle it which also isn't very desirable.
  10. I bought for the first time an Hungarian Partridge skin. While the feathers seem fine it seems that the tanning process could have been better. The skin smells and there is fat visible in places. Can I do anything to improve the situation such as applying Borax and/or scraping the residual fat off. If so is there a method to it such as how long and in what order. Are there any other ideas? BTW the skin is supposedly no. 1 quality.
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