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Fly Tying

L. B. Fly Tyer

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Posts posted by L. B. Fly Tyer

  1. I've been working on my own fly tying bench lately and I was thinking about placing a trash hole off to the side. I think it would be nice because I could just sweep my hand along the table and clear all of the excess fly tying materials. What do you think about this idea and do you think I should add anything else to this bench besides a fly tying tool rack and shelving (keep in mind the table is 2' by 4')?

  2. My old pair of scissors really stink and I've currently been using safety scissors to cut my buck tail (because they work better than my other scissors). I was wondering if any of you had advice on which scissors I could get. My budget is around 15$ so keep that in mind while making recommendations.

  3. That is a Stonfo bobbin in the size compact. Right now I have one standard and one compact one. I really like the compact on for tying anything under size 10 because it has a small neck to it to get in tight spaces. Unlike other bobbins I found that these type of bobbins are nick free and won't damage your thread. I would recommend getting one.

  4. 'Tis the season for ice fishing and I was wondering if anyone ties their own jigs for palm roding? I'm thinking about doing it because it is cheaper than buying jigs at a store. I also saw these Insta jig tungsten head by hareline and though about using these instead of molding my own jig heads. Has anyone used these before?


  5. I tried using this fly for brook trout ( and yes where I live the brook trout eat crazily big minnows) and I found out that it casts surprisingly well. This fly also looks like a sand eel when wet so I guess I'll have to use it as a teaser in front a kastmaster when surfcasting.

  6. Here is my first fly pattern that I have come up with on my own. I would like to get ideas on what people think of it.




    Hook- Size 2 Mustad 3366-BR

    Thread- UTC 140 Denier Gray Brown

    Body- Rabbit zonkers Natural/Gray

    Eyes- Living Eyes Ice 5 mm

    Tail- Chinese Strung Hackles Gray

    Flash- Krystal Flash Pearl





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