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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by niveker

  1. Dark orange and brown, I'll play around next time I get to my tying desk.
  2. I like that, I think with a change of colors it would make a good crawdad bug.
  3. All but one or two of my reels, out of at least a dozen and a half, are Pfluegers, either Medalists or Gems. I can't recall ever having an issue.
  4. Toluene is what I use. Available in most hardware stores, unless it's been outlawed where you live.
  5. I missed that post. Those look pretty sweet.
  6. Great photos, beautiful trouts and grayling. You have grayling in your local waters? Wish I did.
  7. Thanks guys. Gadabout is correct, in "Fishing the Dry Fly ..." Wright calls for "a good spade or shoulder hackle" for the wing. Not sure where or when the use of mink for the tail comes from. A nice a glassy sheen and fairly stiff are attractive qualities for winging material.
  8. Mink Tail Fluttering Caddis Hook: #14 Thread: Tan, 8/0 Rib: Fine gold wire Body: Pheasant tail fibers Wing: Mink tail guard hairs Hackle: Furnace The wing is a tad too long and now that I look at Wright's book cover, I should have tied it on a classic Mustad dry. And of course there is always that one stray hair.
  9. I'll pick it up. Hope you feel better soon, Bud.
  10. I think you mean the whangdoodle
  11. Thanks @Sandan and @Gadabout. Thanks Norm, I was too lazy to look. Sorry about that @Gadabout. Something somewhat similar: Corey Calf Tail link from Norm's site Fly Tying New and Old: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cuEYpyNUcjH6X14YHctVc9BW_vmsBNQb/view Have also seen it tied down-wing style with the hackle fully palmering the length of the body, not sure what the original recipe called for. Tyers choice.
  12. Atherton #3 Dry Hook: 94840, #12 Thread: Kimono 100 #304, Golden Pavilion Tail: CDL barbs Body: Natural and dyed yellow seal fur Rib: DMC metallic gold thread Wing: wood duck Hackle: light dun and light barred ginger
  13. That's a good attempt. Good advise from those above, especially #4 from Silvercreek. For smaller hooks I'll leave the hackle off altogether. Are you cleaning as much of the underfur from the hair before stacking? That can get in the way of a good stack job. Sometimes to get a tightly wrapped/dubbed body, I make a thinner dubbing noodle and make 2 or 3 passes up and down the shank. Its easier to get a satisfactory taper and makes the body a little more durable.
  14. Very nice Sandan I will take that
  15. That is awesome! I bet it would also work great tied as a dry on a dead drift or dapping. Nice work.
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