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Fly Tying


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About Deadbrd

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman

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  • Favorite Species
    brook trout
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  1. Thanks! I'm going to write it down now. Salted Emerald Shiners are excellent bait for stocked brook trout where I fish in northwestern Pa. I've been trying to find a fly to replace them for catch and release.
  2. I used the search function in the upper right and found the picture but no list of materials. It was there under the old format. I used DuckDuckGo instead of Google and ended up with the same post, a picture and a blue link that led back to the home page of flytyingforum's list of forums.
  3. I having the same problems trying to find Guida's Emerald Shiner also posted by flyguy5910. I can find the post and replys but when I click on the blue link to get the pattern recipe I am directed to a list of forums.
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