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Fly Tying


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About GPflyboy

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  1. I'll have to check that out ,looks pretty cool Thanks
  2. Thanks Guys, that's what i was looking for
  3. Is there a good book on what parts of a bird (duck,turkey,pheasant,etc) feathers to use and where to use them. And parts of other animals like deer,rabbit,squirrel and etc
  4. I just used what i had , it's 9 gauge hard wire, the wood is MDF base that i had painted for another project,side and tops is just rough cut 1x8 that i rip down and sanded took about 1 1/2 hrs to make.
  5. I just ground down the threads a little on each side ,works now hold the hook straight . i would of brought it back but was almost 11/2 hour ride
  6. Here's a side view ,and a look on the inside as you can see the square is crocked that's why it won't go vertical thinking about grinding one side on the bottom of the shaft that goes though the square .do you think that would work
  7. i picked up this vise at a fly shop to get my feet wet in fly tying ,did not went to spend to much at first. but now after using it it i think its not for me it wont hold a hook vertical, but it does hold the hook . Is this common on lower price vises
  8. I just hung a shop lite over my desk and works pretty good , by the way just took one of our dining room chair cushions its about 4'' thick (for now)
  9. Finally found a free desk to put in our spare room , than found out my vise wouldn't clamp to the edge ,so i made a tying station with some scrape i had ,now need to get some kind of lighting.but so far so good
  10. Thanks guys, I'll go with better glasses and keep making buggers its just had a material kit for a prince nymph with sz 14 and16 hooks
  11. I just posted my first fly (Wooly Bugger) and was ok ,But now tried to tye a prince nymph on a #14 and having trouble seeing detail .What is the best choice of seeing better . By the way i just started wearing reading glasses 1.5 power two years ago,get old stinks
  12. Your right most the hackle i got were about 4''-5'' long and i know i have to not wrap as much by eye of the hook ,lots to lean
  13. my first fly , I went with a buddy to a fly shop and picked up a few tools and made my first Wooly Bugger
  14. I just started to fly fish this year and just brought some tying tools to get started. thought i would stop in and check out the forum and say hello this is my first fly i have tyed
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