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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Noahguide

  1. Bikini, like your flies. I like your damsel fly a lot. Been paying close attention to them in my back yard this summer and I like the proportions. Recipe?
  2. Variations on the Mauser's Hackle Crab. original pattern at https://mauserflyfishing.com/blogs/blog/hackle-crab
  3. Variations on Hans van Klinken "Demon" flies.
  4. Davie Mcphail In the Riffle Ruben Martin (not for every day flies but some amazing stuff)
  5. Walker Parrot from Davidson River Oufitters
  6. I've found that the lawyer magnets off of the phone books I never use anymore are easy to cut to size for the compartments of the craft storage bins where I store my hooks. They work in fly boxes to catch errant nymphs too.
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