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Fly Tying

Jacks Grampa

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Everything posted by Jacks Grampa

  1. A.K Best, LaFontaine, Nemes and of course the Wulff's
  2. I use mild dish soap and rinse well,dry and treat with Gink.
  3. They get pretty big and healthy in Montana. We were scheduled to spend June there but Covid ruined that. We'll get back though. I married a Montana girl and have to take her home or she gets surly.
  4. This kid's hooked on fly tying and fly fishing.
  5. It is. One of the few older rods that are still going for pretty good money. My guide in Montana was the first to call it a "sniper rod". I may leave it to him in my will.
  6. Lee Wulff said it looked like a piece of strawberry shortcake.
  7. Well said. I have friends with some land along both sides of Sourdough Creek and they've had to put boulders blocking a trail to the creek to keep people from driving through their property to get to the creek. We had to cancel our June trip to Bozeman for the first time in nearly 40 years. I sure miss the fishing and breakfast at the Western.
  8. +1 get a net. You're tiring and handling those fish way more than is good for them.
  9. I've had a number of Sages through the years and every one cast better for me with the next heavier line. Maybe that's because I don't even try to get 90 feet of line in the air. Anything longer than 50ft. gives a fish a long time to spit the hook before I set it. I need to check out 2/0. The lightest I ever threw was the Orvis 1wt.
  10. That's when I tie on a dropper. Tackiest and gaudiest I have.
  11. Teaching and tying with my daughter and 30 years later the same with my grandson.
  12. I do truly enjoy sight casting to rising fish.
  13. You're right. Don't let them look at it too long.
  14. I think it's time for 23 and me.
  15. Hoping to hear from Dr.Logic. Looks like he lives there but I'll google some places too. Or maybe check with the local Orvis store.
  16. Going to Charlotte to fish with the grandson but they haven't found a good spot yet. We won't have a boat. Thanks
  17. There are some salt water swimming pools here with coral Reefs and salt water fish but I don’t have any stainless hooks and don’t care to be shot for trespassing.
  18. Anyone think this is gaudy enough to catch a Texas sunfish?
  19. We were in Sitka once. I now understand the term Deep, Dark Forest and why parents told their children not to go in there. Quite an eye opener for this Texas boy.
  20. Since mid march I've been on the water 5-6 days a week for 4-6 hours a day. Getting to know my way around the sweet spots.
  21. I have one from a few years ago but don't remember them being scarce back then.
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