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Everything posted by DWSmith

  1. There are 2 types of people. 1] Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
  2. I shoot them too when I can. The dogs treed one that came out of the coop early one morning when my wife was walking them. I shot that raccoons in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I'll never know. :D To shoot them consistently I'd be up at night a lot. The traps I use are the Duke Dog Proof traps that just humanely hang on to their wrist until I come along to dispatch.
  3. Thanks! Neat video. They look really cute until they get into our chicken coop ripping up chickens.
  4. I've been told the population is now at nuisance level so the raccoon season is open all the time here. They are a pest on my property (we have chickens) and the farmer's corn field across the road. I'm not sure what to do other than dispatch and dispose of them. Have any of you eaten raccoon? Opinions?
  5. I saw that trapping threads were approved here a couple of years ago but thought I'd check in case it changed. Hey, I'd never do anything to harm squach! He's cool in my area.
  6. Is it okay to post trapping threads here also or is there a better place for them?
  7. I said I keep my phone turned on but I rarely carry it with me unless I might be somewhere on the property, get hurt, and need to let my wife know. I'm beginning to do more stuff outside by myself or with my dog when the weather is better. Niveker said, "To me it seems everybody is just screaming "LOOK AT ME", for one reason or another." I agree completely. This website is a breath of fresh air and is one of the few places I check lately. (I check my email a couple times a week and I watch a news video on Youtube now and then.) Civilized, well behaved individuals are here and I appreciate that.
  8. Do any of you get to the point of feeling like never turning on the computer, the TV, or the radio? I just leave my phone on in case someone needs to contact me. Maybe it's just due to the overload of crappy information constantly coming in from so many sources. Is it just a healthy response to an unhealthy environment? I'm thinking this may be a good thing to do for a while ... a long while. I may start reading more books and listening to my music recordings. I think I'll go have a conversation with my dog while we take another walk. He's my best friend. 😁
  9. Test for CDO or as most people call it OCD.
  10. DWSmith

    What’s cooking

    I'll eat them with sauce or without sauce. As long as they taste good I'm a fan! 😁 I grew up in St. Louis and started grilling for my parents and siblings when I was around 11 years old. Definitely learned from my mistakes. Always put Maull's barbecue sauce on all meats. It's sort of a red mop sauce with a spicy kick. I swear that stuff flowed through my veins during the summers.
  11. I don't web surf on my 4+ year old smart phone. I don't take pictures with it either. I just talk and text/message. Been looking for a simple cell phone and found a flip phone that meets my requirements. If I need more I can use my Amazon Fire tablet with the flip phone's WiFi hotspot while I'm out and about but that hasn't been necessary yet. At home I use my desktop computer for internet access. Anyone else finding smart phones to be over priced, overkill, time wasters? My phone cost $59 and I'm very pleased with it so far.
  12. DWSmith

    What’s cooking

    I keep it dead simple with a rub of Lawry's seasoned salt and black pepper. The first time I tried that my wife and I agreed they were the best ribs we'd ever eaten. YMMV.
  13. Yeah, I use the blocking feature of email and texting/messaging. Usually unsubscribe is adequate for businesses but a couple of old friends (?) have become obsessed with sending political garbage to their contacts constantly. Even their families have complained about them. I asked them two or three times to quit gaslighting me then blocked them, not that they care. Maybe I'll unblock them next year some time ... maybe. Thank goodness for tools like block.
  14. 👍 I'm not a fan of email either but at least I can keep emails and look up stuff later. Otherwise, I just consider it a PITA. I have a problem with all things Google because they track EVERYTHING but they do seem to work well enough. I have a gmail account that I don't use except for the Google Play Store. I used AOL for years then switched to Hotmail/Outlook. Microsoft is fairly safe I think/hope but I really don't fully trust anything on the internet. Unsubscribe and delete are my most used features of email. I check my email maybe two or three times a week. I put in an auto reply rule that sends an email telling folks to text me if they're in a hurry but I don't include my phone number. If they know me well enough they'll have my phone number. If they don't have my phone number then they know it might take a while before I reply. I don't get many texts. Thanks for the replies everyone! In the words of Rodney Norman, "Have a super freaking awesome day!" 😁
  15. I just thought I'd ask because there might be something I like better out there than the one I'm using. Thanks!
  16. DWSmith

    What’s cooking

    Time consuming is right! I usually smoke them for 6 hours. That doesn't include getting the smoker up to temperature and prepping the ribs. But it's worth it.
  17. DWSmith

    What’s cooking

    Man! Those look great.
  18. Anyone else like Rodney Norman videos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzYJOZBFSws
  19. People have been worried about losing their jobs to AI, robotics, automation, etc. for decades. It seems more often that growth slows down in certain fields. Off the top of my head I can't think of any professions that have been destroyed. I don't think we're going to end up in a WarGames or Terminator scenario due to AI but I might be wrong. I also didn't think that people in power would be stupid enough to put so much customer information online and poorly protected.
  20. For one of my degrees one of my majors was Computer Science. I retired last year after working 45 years in IT. Back in school in the mid 1970's we discussed AI. I looked at the history of AI a little while back. The idea has been around since about 1956 and a working AI type program was in use in 1966 that was good enough to fool people into thinking a real person was replying to their typed messages. Why all the attention lately? Is it just hype? What took people so long to realize what's going on? Just wondering.
  21. Got everything I need to begin reloading .30-30 cartridges but the CCI 200 primers the recipe calls for. Too cheap to pay the hazmat fee to have 1 box shipped to me. Scheels keeps saying they carry them but they never have them in stock...NEVER! Might have to drive to Midway. Anyway, I'm trying to begin reloading.
  22. DWSmith

    Song of the day

  23. We have a Gravely 1840 XL ZTR. It's in its 18th season mowing our almost 2 acre yard. I have my Kubota BX3820 for most duties around here. It came with a 60" mowing deck that I installed about a month ago while the Gravely was in the shop to replace the blades drive belt. I prefer the Kubota to the Gravely but they both do the job. The Kubota leaves a nicer finish to the cut and doesn't slow down for anything! As long as one sticks with a good brand name you should be fine although some of the shining star brands of yesteryear are not what they used to be.
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