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Fly Tying


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About Dnthmn

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/06/1980

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    London Ontario

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  1. Dnthmn

    Woven Swap

    Look in the mailbox today and there was a great bunch of flies there waiting for me :yahoo: Thanks everyone, great ties.
  2. Dnthmn

    Woven Swap

    Finally made it into the post office today and express shipped the flies this morning. Thanks for hosting.
  3. Glad to hear they are starting to arrive. Time to get off my but and get the pics posted. There were a couple first time swappers in this one so rather than add toe tags to all of them I wil be listing the tyer with the pics. I'll get them loaded onto the computer in the next couple of days. Cheers.
  4. Still feeling like :poop: . We've had the cold from hell circulating the office and I managed to dodge it for a while but it finally got me when I went to the grave shift. The sets are packed up and will be going into the mail this afternoon. Thanks again to everyone for taking part.
  5. Hi Dave, I got em but like I explained sometimes there is up to a two week timeframe for flies to arrive from the U.S. to Canada or vice versa. I'll be getting the sets back out to everyone this week. I was planning on doing it in the morning but I'm taking some cold meds when I get home from work and will be spending the day in bed tomorrow.
  6. Everyone else pretty much summed it up. The only other thing I will do if Time is running short on a swap is to send the package Small Packet Air. It states 10 business days for shipping but is not gauranteed. I've had flies make it to all parts of the U.S. well within the timeframe. It will run you about $8 CAD.
  7. Hi All, The last set of flies arrived in todays mail. I'll get everything out on Monday. Also, as a heads up I will post pics of everyones contribution. Thanks again to everyone for taking part. Please let me know as the flies make it back to you. Regards, Dan
  8. I had a bunch of bugs in the mail today and all I can say is :thumbup: Now the weather just has to cooperate so I can get'em wet. With a high of -2 degrees this afternoon and a low of -16 (Celcius) for tonight, I think it's gonna be a while. Thanks everyone for a great set of flies and thanks again BB for a great swap. Dan
  9. Checked the mailbox and there was a sweet set of Brassie's in there from dave1432. Just waiting on the set from student4evr now. Once they come in I'll get everything in the mail.
  10. Hi Guys, Still waiting on sets from student4evr & dave1432. Student4evr sent me a PM indicating the flies are in the mail and & I am still waiting on a confirmation from dave1432 that his set was mailed. Based on his last post indicating they would be going out on Feb 16, I should have them in hand within the next couple of days. (There is up to about a two week timeframe for flies to arrive in the Great White North). I'll give the last couple sets some time to arrive and will get everything out for the return trip on the 18 of March. Cheers & thanks again for taking part. Dan
  11. Mine should be there in the next day or two. I sent them express post. Regards, Dan
  12. Flies made it to the Great White North. Awesome tying everyone, thanks for a great buch of bugs. D5 thanks again for hosting a great swap. Dan
  13. Mine got dropped off at the post office this morning. Thanks for hosting.
  14. Got some awesome looking flies in from Mark2olson & redeitz today. Great ties both of you! :headbang:
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