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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flytire

  1. i typed in "fly tyer magazine" in google and found the link to their website. then click on "contact us" and bingo
  2. McAlpin Tip - Gold Tinsel Tail - Barred wood duck topping scarlet Ribbing - Gold tinsel Body - Claret wool Hackle - Guinea Wing - Peacock herl topping scarlet Trout - Ray Bergman
  3. why didnt you find this web page? give them a call Contact Us | Fly Tyer
  4. For the next challenge flies lets finish off the Slaymaker series fly patterns 1 each of the "Little Brook Trout" 1 each of the "Little Rainbow Trout" 2 flies total Exploring Classic Streamer Patterns: The Little Trout of Samuel R. Slaymaker II
  5. Little Brown Trout Bucktail As per Bates, with a slight alteration* Hook -Size: 2-12, 6x long Head - Black Tail - A very small breast feather, with the dark center removed, from a ring neck pheasant. The feather is as long as the gap of the hook and curves upward. Body - Wound with white spun wool Ribbing - Copper wire (narrow flat gold tinsel may be substituted, *I used medium oval copper tinsel) Throat - None Wing - Of four very small, separated bunches of hair, extending slightly beyond the tail. A very small bunch of yellow bucktail over which is a very small bunch of reddish-orange bucktail, slightly blended. Over this is a very small bunch of medium dark squirrel tail, topped and slightly blended with a very small bunch of dark brown squirrel tail. (I used bucktail) Cheeks - Jungle Cock
  6. had some. never used them. got rid of them.
  7. Black Sky Tag - Silver tinsel Tail - Blue hackle fibers Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel Body - Black floss Wing - Black hackle tip Hackle - Black hen wrapped full Blue Sky Tag - Silver tinsel Tail - Blue hackle fibers Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel Body - Blue floss Wing - Blue hackle tip Hackle - Blue hen wrapped full Rusty Sky Tag - Silver tinsel Tail - Rusty orange hackle fibers Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel Body - Rusty orange floss Wing - Rusty orange hackle tip Hackle - Rusty orange hen wrapped full The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chris Mann
  8. anybody tying the next challenge fly - "Ultra Shrimp"?
  9. Montana Bill Hook - Single salmon Thread - Match the body color Body - Colored tinsel Wing - Krystal flash over bucktail
  10. Dull Pupa Hook - Curved Bead - White Thread - Gray Over Body - Clear buzzer wrap or clear tinsel Rib - Wine, red or black thread Body - Tying thread Thorax - Rust or burnt orange thread Thread-bodied chironomid pupa patterns such as the Dull Pupa are a wise option when trout are focused on suspending pupa early in the emergence. At this time, the pupae haven't gathered enough gas beneath their skin, which makes them shiny. Bright patterns are not always the best option. Inspired by good friend Brian Chan, the Dull Pupa also uses a clear Buzzer Wrap to protect the thread color, so it doesn't change when you apply a protective coating of UV. Resin, superglue or nail polish.
  11. Skaidi Hook - Single Salmon Thread - Black Tad - Oval silver tinsel Tail - Green floss Ribbing - Oval Silver tinsel Body - Flat silver tinsel Throat - Green hackle Wing - Gray squirrel dyed green The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon Flies - Chris Mann
  12. Silver Butcher Hook - Single Salmon Thread - Black Tail - Red duck or goose quill segments Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel Body - Flat silver tinsel Hackle - Blue Wings - Black duck or goose quill segments Silver Butcher Fly - Fishing Flies with Fish4Flies Worldwide
  13. anything here that might help? Parts | One-Pfoot
  14. i leave them overnight and sometimes a couple of days no problems for me
  15. Tri-Color Thread - Black Rib - Oval silver Body - Flat silver tinsel Underbelly - White bucktail Wing - Green over orange bucktail Cheek - Jungle cock Forgotten Flies - Schmookler & Sils
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