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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by cheech


    The same thing happened to me when I tried contacting them on January 30th, through their contact us address. No response back at all. They didn't even have an auto response that some of the places do, letting you know that they received your email and will get back to you. It didn't bounce back, and I do have a Spaminator feature / folder on my email that I check everyday. I use email almost exclusively and it's very rare when a business never gets back to you, even if it may take several days.

    same here. not in spam folder, I check that daily. Yes the message was sent on 05 March. It's just weird. E-mail is the standard method of communication in any legitimate business model. It is 2017.


    100% agree. If you are phone call type of company and you don't respond to email, just don't provide an email! That's a totally backward way of doing business in 2017 though.


    Regarding phone calls though, if it's a simple warranty issue the business is actually saving tons of time by using email instead of phone calls. Sure, there are times when a phone call is warranted, but due to human nature, pleasantries must be exchanged, stories must be told, and inevitably, there are callers who think a 45 minute phone call is the norm.

  2. I got some and I'm trying to like it. The fibers are 6" long (which is damn near impossible to find on a regular basis anymore). The taper is spot on. They are fibers that really do look exactly like bucktail with a taper and slight crinkle. The killer for me was that it doesn't compress at all when you tie it in, and to me, That's kind of a deal breaker. Like I said... I'm trying to like it, but it might be a rocky road.

  3. Cheech

    Is the new version better? Btw, my buddy's son, 9, caught a 5lb bass on the LFM that I had tied for his dad. The funny thing is the kid was fishing it with a Zebco and pulling it behind a bobber. Children's ingenuity too bad we lose it all too often. Thanks for sharing all your great patterns.

    Yeah... It's better;) Cool that he got a toad on it!

  4. #1. Here in Murika it's 100% acceptable to call it a bobbin. If you travel to the other side of the pond it is not. Here in Murika we say Aluminum (just how it's spelled.) On the other side of the pond they say AluminIUM even though there is no extra vowel. That REALLY pisses me off.


    #2. If you want a smooth bobbin that spins, get the C&F bobbin. You can put 2300 RPM on that sucker and it will NOT wobble.


    #3. If you place you finger tip right at the tip of the rite bobbin tube while you spin it will work really well.

  5. Laser dub great stuff. I use it on a lot of baitfish heads. It would work fine for predator I think. Cheechs low fat minnow uses it. Wedding veil uses it. Watch those videos and you can see it used. It has fairly long stiff fibers. I have noticed some differences in the product with various colors especially the silver minnow belly. Buy some you'll use it. Btw the low fat minnow rocks!

    The initial Low Fat Minnow used it, but I have since switched to Bruiser Blend Jr. for my smallish baitfish patterns. It's softer and finer than laser dub.




    I wish I was one of those. I bet they get all the fly tying groupies. biggrin.png





    You've seen fly tying groupies???


    I actually did have one. She used to come to see me at the 4 tying events I would do at cabelas each year. Would always put her business card into my shirt pocket at the end of the lesson. Haven't seen her at the last couple though. A bit forward for a gal who wore a large diamond on her ring finger. I always keep an eye out for her during these events. Her absence makes me wonder if the fellow who put the ring on her finger got wise to what she was doing and tightened the leash.




    Now I've heard it all!!!!!

  7. 1 - Grumpy Frumpy... Yellow/Red with Cree hackle

    2- Articulated Trout Slider - White Gold

    3- Belly Scratcher Minnow - Chub color and the good Gammy bait hook

    4- Complex Twist Bugger - Olive with a copper cone

    5- Cheech Leech - Any color, any time.

    6- Mongrel Meat - White and pasty like John Stockton

    7- Stoneflopper - Tan

    8- Cinnamon Toast Ant - depending on the season, this might be closer to the top 3

    9- Butt Head - Stimmy simplified with all the right flash in all the right places.

    10- Duracell Jig - It just plain hunts

    11- Bunny Midge - Yes... sometimes you need to fish a size 30

    12- Rapala X-rap - white. No, I don't fish it on a fly rod.

  8. The Stonfo Elite disc drag bobbin is if not the best fly tying tool I've ever had and the most expensive (Even over my vise which cost me $12) at $21. This bobbin comes in three models Original, Compact, and Saltwater Streamer. This bobbin has a drag system to it so you could have it loose (on small flies) and tight on saltwater flies. I'm wondering what you guys think of this bobbin, and how it compares to the rite bobbin? Tie On!

    It's decent... The drag system always either self tightens or self loosens based on the direction the thread is spinning. That is a non starter for me for sure. The Rite bobbin drag system is far superior.


    The problem with these bobbins is that they only have one arm going to the thread which makes them unbalanced. It's impossible to spin the thread without it wobbling something fierce.

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