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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by vices

  1. Are they still upside down tomatoes if i pick them doing a handstand... ? Seems like a good idea, I live in an appartment , this could help me get a lil more out of my space .. never heard of it before this thread.. thanks for posting . :cheers:

  2. Hmmm I got a few for this thread..

    First one that comes to mind is doing a hand stand off the side of a moving truck.. I was doing pretty good, think we hit a bump or something.. messed things up a lil .. hit my face twice off the tire and rolled till i hit the curb on the other side of the street .. nothing broken but i was sore for a week an had two black rubber tatoos for 2 weeks (cheekbone an jaw line) .. Amazing what seems to be a good idea givin some liquid influence an some bordem.. :devil2: :drunk: :crutch: :cheers:

  3. Kinna a tough one for me to answer, I started with a kit and build the patterns that were in range of the materials I had, just grabed what i needed when i expanded my fly patterns. The kit i bought had few different colours of saddle hackle, chenille, marabou, deerhair and threads.. ohh and head cement.

    I would find out what patterns work in your area, and aim towards making those flies... If dry flys work best you will need some half decent hackle (a higher grade). IMO, gear towards what you would need for the flies your most likely to use .. look up the recipes for those flies, that should give you a good idea for some materials you should get, hope this helps .. good luck. :cheers:

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