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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by vices

  1. I like it.. nice tye fish n chip;)
  2. Looking pretty good man, I was thinking of making a stationary about the same size as the one you have there for a friend of mine. He's been wanting to get into fly tying for some time now, I've been piecing together a starter kit for him. Something like that would mean the world to him.. great work man...
  3. Glad to hear the worst of the injuries were only minor, hope their recovery is a quick one.
  4. Something you'll never forget.. great to hear uffe thanks for posting.. :cheers:
  5. Great work indyflycaster and fryflier... you guys are making this look easy .. :cheers:
  6. vices

    Tying Jigs

    I get alot of my fathers friends asking me too dress there lures up, alot of them ask me to tye there jigs aswell. I get some pretty crazy requests sometimes.. It's alot of fun when you sit down with a goal no one else can map out for you, just got to improvise your way through..
  7. Not bad at all kerrye, I really enjoy working with rabbit hair... some nice material there..
  8. Nicely done terrylee :headbang:
  9. Munkey Do you think you could tye one using One single feather.. ? Thats the challenge..
  10. Wow.. that is a beautiful fly, Great job Bud.. :cheers:
  11. What kinna scuds would a carp take.... I got a nice bead head pattern my father fishes for crappie with.. you think that will do?
  12. Very nicely done, Graham.. you da man.. lol
  13. Sorry Moushka, I misread that.. still a really nice piece.. I have planned to make a small tool caddy this spring, your pic has givin me some idea's.. good thread
  14. Sounds good to me man.. tyer up :cheers:
  15. Great step by step Aarne, I'm gonna give this technique a try .. :cheers:
  16. Very nice J tapio... great tye:)
  17. I told my wife " If I stop buying fishing stuff she had to stop buying shoes" not another word was said. She even buys stuff for me now
  18. Beautiful piece, your friend is pretty talented.. Working art is the perfect way to describe it..
  19. Nice tye uffepuffe, great work on the back
  20. Nicely done mb82 :headbang: :cheers:
  21. I like em, I like em alot..
  22. Take all the time you need brother, think I'm gonna tye one or two more..
  23. Opps.. forgot to mention.. I need 2 pics from anyone who up to the challenge. One pic of your materials and one of your fly.. I decided to tye a scud, plastic for the back, yellow for thread and ribs and a green grizzly hackle feather for everything else.. the dubbing is chopped "fluff or marabu" from the feather.. Not the prettiest fly, but i can vouch that this fly catches fish.. :cheers:
  24. I was just sitting at my desk going through my materials, I have alot of "stuff" as I'm sure alot of us do.. I started thinking back to the very first fly I tyed.. I was around 8. I used a pair of locking pliers held by my knees, bait hooks, thread straight out of my mothers sewing kit and feathers i found walking.. and the only tool i owed was a pair of childrens saftey scissors.. But I tyed flies, with a single feather.. I made 2-3. So the challenge is... make a fly using only a single feather.. single spool of thread.. and one material.. by material i mean anything.. dubbing, yarn, chinille or whatever you feel will help finish the fly.. ohhh an you have to tye the finishing knot by hand.. Anyone up to the challenge? .. good luck n good tying.. :cheers:
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