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Found 31 results

  1. Greetings from Warren, Michigan. Looking to get back into fly tying, after a flooded basement destroyed my hooks, threads and lots of materials. I've been working in the auto industry for over 26 years, but I spent over 15 years working in retail fishing sales in my earlier years. Any suggestions on hooks, threads and miscellaneous materials will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. The maiden voyage with my new 2021 Native Watercraft Slayer Propel Max 12.5. Im on a local lake known for crappie - no crappie today, but a couple surprises.
  3. Brushy Creek is a small river up north of Austin Texas, that travels through Round Rock. I didn't get to fish the entire stretch, but what I fished looked really pretty and nice. The day I fished was slow from what I was told, I did see some locals fishing and asked how they were doing. All of which said it was the slowest day they had seen in a while. Of course as soon as I go out right? Anyway, its a pretty little stream that holds Guadalupe and smallmouth bass, sunfish, carp and rio cichlids. I believe there are some other species as well. I had a great time, even though it wasn't as productive as I wanted. I got to test out a foam hopper I'm working on, and a small crayfish fly im working on as well. Both of which caught fish. I caught some panfish which I think one was a redbreast sunfish but I could be wrong. I did catch a little bass, and Im not sure if it was a Guadalupe or a smallmouth, Im still learning how to identify them. I am new to fishing in Texas, and so I could always use your guys help identifying the fish I catch. Also please help me with figuring out how to catch Rio's. Im not sure the technique. Honestly it looked like they were spawning to me, chasing others off their little nests at least it looked like. Not sure if that's a bad time to fish for them or not. I also saw a snake, and while it could be the non verminous water snake that is common in the area, I am quite sure it was actually a cottonmouth (or commonly called water moccasin). It ducked under a rock before I could get my camera positioned on him so I could not get any video, and I didn't want to go poking around the rock and get bit. I almost stepped on him, I need to remember to be more careful and look where im walking each time I go out.
  4. The Medina river was filled with fish, beautiful, and had amazing structure. It had the makings of what could have been an amazing day fishing! And I know we would have caught tons of fish if the water temps weren't so low. We had a cold front come in 2 days prior and stayed for the weekend, so there was not much chance of that water being warm enough to get the bass to strike. They just were not interested at all. But we saw lots of fish. In fact I was very surprised at how many fish we could see. Catfish, bass, carp, panfish, and shad. All of which were schooling thick, but none would eat. In a way it was a frustrating day, just watching fish not pay attention to your fly, and some scattering at the slightest kerplunk of the fly hitting the water. However we did get a few, and had a nice time just kayaking around. It really is a beautiful river, and very enjoyable to kayak. I will be returning to try my hand at the Medina once again.
  5. I have google searched and nothing of any significance ever comes up for tying beginner bass flies. I have done some searching within this forum to find it but haven't had much success. Can anyone tell me some good largemouth bass patterns to tie for beginner fly tiers? and possibly good links to recipes for them? I have just scraped the surface of fly tying so I don't know much yet but I am learning quickly. Thanks in advance.
  6. Scaled Sardine (Harengula Jaguana) Materials list: Hook: Owner SSW 2/0 (Model# 5315-121) Tail: Two Schlappen shiny side out Mid-Flash: Pearl Web Hot White from FTD approx 8 strands Head Form: E-Z Body Tubing Pearl- size large 3/8 Belly: White acrylic yarn Lateral Wing: Aunt Lydia's yarn or white Antron added to each side for sparkle Back: Green acrylic yarn Eyes: 3D-7mm Attach 2 pieces of white acrylic yarn. A short hank to bottom a long hank on top. Add flash. Brush everything back with a toothbrush. Attach E-Z Body Tubing and glue. Fold back E-Z Body Tubing and attach 1/4" from eye. Whip finish, trim excess, and glue. Attach Antron Lateral wing. Tie in white acrylic to belly. Brush everything back. Tie in green acrylic yarn to back, and brush everything back. Tie off,whip finish, and remove thread. Shape eyes around the tapered front end of a pencil and attach them to the fly with a CA type gel adhesive. Fill in between the eyes both top and bottom with UV adhesive and your done. Fabric Store Substitutes/Finds E-Z Body Tubing: Substitute Pearl Darice Mesh. Acrylic Yarn: Lion Brand Homespun Yarn (Jo-Ann's) Green = Forest Item #12660957 (Separate desired color from skein)White = Hepple White Item #2182368
  7. This has to be one of my favorite streamers for bass fishing. It swims really well in the water with lots of movement. There is lots of flash in the tail which attracts fish like pike who seem to go after shiny things. Also, this fly doesn't hold a lot of water, so its not too difficult to cast with a 6wt-8wt rod. You could use other materials as well for this. If you don't have Arctic Wind dubbing, you could use hairlines custom blend. It has different properties, but it would work for this pattern. Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 - Size 1/0 Thread: Danville's 210 flat waxed - Chartreuse Tail: Extra Select Craft Fur - White and Chartreuse Flash: Flashabou - Pearl Collar: Starburst Dubbing - Hot yellow Weight: Brass Dumbbell eye - 5mm Adhesive: Krazy Glue Dubbing Head: Arctic Wind Dubbing - White and Hot Yellow Head Cement: Solarez "Bone Dry" UV curing resin
  8. Smallmouth Bass are scrappy fighters that are willing to eat a large variety of baits. They are fun to catch with conventional gear, and an absolute blast on a fly rod. Especially when fishing is this good. While we didn't catch a whole lot, I believe we boated 20+ fish this day. Generally they like bright colored baits, but we caught a few on some more generic baitfish colors like brown/white, olive/yellow, etc... We were fishing at Navajo Lake, a large lake in northern New Mexico, that is the start of the San Juan River. It is a cold water lake with many species including trout, salmon, pike, bluegill, perch, and of course smallmouth bass. Unfortunately there are no shad in this lake, so you must fish perch or bluegill patterns. However they seem to still go after chartreuse/white lures pretty well. The water seemed clear as can be, however Kyle told me that this was a bit off color since the lake was so high. It was a really fun day, getting to fish with a great friend on a great fishery. This really was one of the more enjoyable fishing days I have had in a long time.
  9. Which do you like best? My favourite is the toilet flushing! This article pretty much sums up both takes: http://flyfishing365.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/bass-poppers-porcelain-thrones-and-bowling-balls/
  10. May be of interest to Bass fisherman... we modified TPWD's Largemouth Bass table used to estimate the weight of Bass based on it's length. We modified it to make it simpler to lookup the weight. Largemouth Bass Estimator.
  11. Okay guys, I've been a member of the forum for a while but have never posted anything. I'm not necessarily new to tying, but I definitely am an amateur compared to some of the things I've seen on this forum. So, here is my first question.. for baitfish patterns, what has produced more fish for you, EP Fibers or Farrar's Blend? All input is much appreciated and thank you in advance!
  12. Although it seems we've had a reprieve from the drought this year in California, I started fishing for bass 2 months ago, ignoring moving water and concentrating on still. I haven't been out as much as I would like but plan on going again tomorrow (it's been almost a month!). I started tying trout flies with my new vise over the fall and winter, but bass flies are so much more fun (and easier). I've been bringing a buddy new to fly fishing and he's loving the foothill lake we've been concentrating on this spring. Here are some of the flies I've been trying out for largemouth bass. Let me know what you think. Here's a shot of the lake we've been fishing. That's the buddy in the distance And though targeting LMB, i stumbled across this crappie fishing a grey and white clouser. and now for a few of the bass bugs i've tied today. (cutting the blue floor tile by hand is NOT the way to go eric fresno, ca.
  13. My wife has been kicking my butt on bass for the last couple of years. She has had a lot of success with this lipless crank bait. Does anyone have any suggestions on a fly pattern I could tie to replicate this lure so I could get in the game. The lure is slightly over four inches. Thanks, Tom
  14. This is the second try, lost the first one. I had a popper turn out pretty good and wanted to share it. Someday I'll figure videos out. I used an Eagle Claw #6, Pheasant tail, black saddle hackle, 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" balsa, finger nail polish (red, green, white), red Sharpie, high float fiber from Fly Tier's Dungeon, holographic tinsel, 3D eyes, red thread, 5 min. epoxy. I shaped the balsa with a finger nail file and cut a slit in the bottom of it, then widened it with the point of one blade of my scissors to fit the hook shank. Then used a small amount of water to dampen the slot in the balsa, put it in place on the hook and put a small drop of super glue over it. (the moisture will cause the super glue to harden instantly). I then painted the balsa body using 3 coats of each color and when dry to touch, applied the eyes and coated the body with epoxy using a match stick (toothpick would have worked, too). For the tail I used 5 or 6 high float fibers and about the same number of tinsels. Wrapped the shank with the red thread from the body to the curve and back about half way. Placed the high float first and secured it, then put on the tinsel trying to wrap it evenly around the high float (could have been better). I made two wings from the Pheasant tail and wrapped them just behind the body using a figure 8 pattern. They wouldn't stay together, but, a little head cement drawn over the length of each made them just right. Now it was time for the saddle hackle, a few wraps behind the wings and a couple in front and tied them off...applied a dab of cement. Had to give the hackle a little "haircut" to clear the hook and allow the wings to show and it looked pretty good. It worked on the bluegill tonight!!
  15. Has anyone ever fished the Snake River in Idaho for smallmouth bass? Or fish for smallmouth bass often? If so, what flies have you had the most success with. Thanks everyone.
  16. Tonight I caught the largest bass of my five weeks of fly fishing. I caught a three pound bass on a foam fly I tied.
  17. Tonight I caught the largest bass of my five weeks of fly fishing. I caught a three pound bass on a foam fly I tied.
  18. Tied up one of these last week on a #6 offset worm hook and it worked better than expected catching a few small bass and a number of bream and tons of nips. I modified slightly and used a 3306 #6 for the front hook and snelled a size #12 down eye nymph hook as a stinger to get more of the tail nipping bream. It's 2.5" long and casts easily with my 4wt, a larger bass is bound to eat this sooner or later.
  19. I started tying flies about 8 years and started with popping bugs for bluegill. About 3 years, while fishing some ponds for largemouth, I thought of a fly that might work pretty good for bass and made it with an epoxy body, silicon legs for the rest of the body, and added to some eyes to it. These squid flies were tied a few days ago and were inspired by my older patterns using epoxy for the main body.
  20. Passed by my urban fishing spots on way to work and saw some fish swimming but couldn't get any to eat. Afternoon, clouds and drizzle set in so after work, I passed through the park for a little while and found some bass here and there busting on the edge of grass beds. Finally got this one to eat; really gentle sip - wasn't even sure the fish had it - it was at the extent of a fairly long cast, so I could hardly see the bug. I actually did a strip set to keep the fly in the water and the fly pulled back! The fish measured out to 17 1/2" - not bad for a New Orleans city fish.
  21. I've been messing around tying some of Kelly Galloup Style Articulated flies. Here is my Sex Dungeon fly. Just deer hair, lead eyes, cactus chenille, marabou, hackle, b10s hook for front, and 3x streamer hook in the back!
  22. This was tied on a size 2 jig hook. Large dumbell eyes, copper flash chenille, crazy legs for skirt, with two barred rabbit strips with foam on the ends for claws. Has a very nice jigging action.IMG_0034.MOV
  23. Tied up the fly by Thomas Harvey called the Trophy Wife. Criticism wanted! This is tied on a size two owner hook.
  24. Recently had the urge to get better at making deer hair bugs. This is my first attempt of a rabbit strip diver (second attempt to tie a diver). The first pic is it without the eyes (so you can see how it was packed and trimmed), the second is with the eyes on. Please let me know what you think!!
  25. Hello all! This is my first attempt to tie any flies since I was a kid. Back then I had no idea what I was doing, but tied some fairly convincing poppers with small corks from the hobby store. I also tied a couple based on what I thought flies looked like. My dad had very few materials, and I still haven't bought any more so I am just using what I have for now. My first fly fishing experience was in a small pond. I caught upwards of 20 fish that day, both bass and redear. I am finally back and ready to start at fly fishing/tying in earnest! Now I have my own fly rod and I am getting back into the sport. My wife's grandparents have a house in Pentwater, Michigan and I have taken to spin fishing for trout up there, but this year I will be taking my Orvis Clearwater, 9' 6wt up there to try and bag a couple trout. I have only been out a couple times this year so far due to college and a full time job, but I hope to get some fall bass and panfish. I will be going up to Michigan at the end of august and hope to be able to throw some line and get my first trout on the fly. I am looking to get better at casting as I am terrible so far, and in the winter focus more on tying. Any and all critiques welcome! P.S. I have a friend who has about 5 varieties of chicken. Is this a potential source of feathers that are worth anything, and if so how should I harvest them?
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