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Found 19 results

  1. This swap is open to new and intermediate tiers. This Swap is closed. This is the first of a series of swaps I am offering for the fishing "off season". It will be open for a minimum of 6 tiers and a maximum of 10 tiers. This first in the series is for the STREAMER type of flies. As far as this swap is concerned a "streamer" is a pattern tied on any hook that is 3 XL or longer and is made to mimic a fish fry/baitfish/minnow or crawfish or dragonfly nymph (the underwater part of it's life cycle - NO ADULT dragonflies please!). All participants will receive a fly tying gift for participating. Sign-up will end on October 1. All flies must be received by October 31. DO not forget your toetags! If this is your first swap read the articles at the top of this forum section. Any questions please feel free to PM me by clicking on my WWKimba name on this swap and you will be connected to write/send me a PM (private message). Most important - HAVE FUN! 1 - John1986 - Bead-head Coho Bucktail - received 2 - BHouk - Pumpkinseed Fatal Attraction - received 3 - Stabgnid - received 4 - Chris_in_Louisiana - Rattle Fly - received 5 - 6 - haziz - Woolly Bugger - received 7 - DarrellP - Carey Special - received 8 - gpnfishWW - EP Bluegill - received 9 - Swmalone - Mohair Leech -received 10 - vicente - Black Ghost - received The next swap in this series is going to be NYMPH patterns, keep an eye out! NOTE: You do NOT have to be part of this swap to join any of the upcoming swaps in this series. ALL FLIES RECIEVED - will be in the mail by Tuesday, November 3rd. Will be including pictures on this post. Thank you all for some very nice flies!
  2. I have google searched and nothing of any significance ever comes up for tying beginner bass flies. I have done some searching within this forum to find it but haven't had much success. Can anyone tell me some good largemouth bass patterns to tie for beginner fly tiers? and possibly good links to recipes for them? I have just scraped the surface of fly tying so I don't know much yet but I am learning quickly. Thanks in advance.
  3. Well I have tied my first flies. I only tied Griffiths Gnats and I uploaded them. Tell me what you think. Here is the first one. And here is the last one I finished. Still need some practice
  4. Howdy, I got bit hard by the fly tying bug a couple of weeks ago and am now suffering from full-body paralysis ... I can NOT get up from the table! In the space of two weeks I upgraded my original $29 made-in-India vise from BassPro to an Apex and dropped way more money than I should have at the local fly shop (which happens to be cheaper on everything than the big box!). Probably 60 or 70 flies in, it's already getting easier (i.e., I break thread less, have figured-out how to use a bobbin threader -- you'd think that would be obvious, huh? -- figured-out I can't actually bend a forged hook, etc.). I have yet to fish a single fly I've tied, the river in the backyard notwithstanding. Field tests this week in South Texas (I alternate weeks between central Texas and Corpus Christi, where I drive a tugboat -- not an ideal fly fishing platform, but I do see a lot of fish). This forum and YouTube have been great teachers. Mistakes below are my own. Cheers!
  5. So I just tied my first deceiver and tried to follow the youtube video of Lefty tying it. I'm not crazy about the video because he isn't very clear about portions and things like that. It kind of reminds me of my grandmothers cooking recipes (add a little of this and let it cook for a while). The fly looks outrageously long. It measures about 7 inches and is tied on a size 1 hook. Please critique this fly and help me get better. Here are my questions: I am tying with strung rooster saddles. If I want them shorter can I cut the ends off before I tie it in or trim the tips after it is tied on or what? How do I get the red throat part to stay together instead of flaring out? Can you recommend a video tying a classic lefty's deceiver that has a good amount of detail. There are a lot of videos but each have there own way of doing things so I was hoping you folks could point out which ones don't stray to far from the classic pattern. Thanks
  6. I got my vise on Sunday and have been impatiently waiting on today's mail to bring most of my tools. They just came in and I just finished my first fly. I would really appreciate some feedback and advice. Here are my questions after fly #1: -The fishing manager at Orvis recommended that I use a Mustad O'Shaughneesy 2XH/1XL Size 2 hook. Is that what I should be tying on? I noticed that a lot of people use hooks with more of a curved shank for the Clouser. I will be fishing for largemouth and striped bass on an 8 wt. Whats your opinion? - I definitely ended up crowding the head with the deer hair. I tried really hard not too because I have read that that is mistake most beginners make, but it really felt like I couldn't get the deer hair secure without getting more hair slid toward the eye. Any advice for this? -My flash seems to be really floppy or saggy I don't know what to call it. It just dangles way lower than the belly hair because it isn't as rigid. Is this an issue or will that not happen in water because it will be weightless? I tried to follow Bob's video exactly as I tied so it would be a real Clouser. I would love some feedback as Im sure yall can find much more for me to improve on (like I know the chartreuse hair is sort of tied in more to one side than the other). Please leave honest feedback (I've got tough skin) and give me any advice that you have so that I can improve. Thanks.
  7. I previously had a fly tying setup that i had built up over a few years but lost it in a unfortunate incident. I am wanting to replace everything and start tying again. Does anyone have any advice if whether or not the kits with the vise, tools and materials are any good, I have looked at the Orvis kits and a few others and they all run between $150-$200. Just try to start out on the right foot this time around. Thank You in advance for any help.
  8. This is the second tying video I've made. Figured out how to get everything in focus! Anyways, this is a quick and easy X-caddis that just uses some Pearl Krystal flash, Dubbing and deer hair! Enjoy!
  9. This a forum for beginner fly tiers to post there flies and others to see them and help them out!
  10. Hi Everyone, I am DAMN excited about tying my first two flys (flies ? Spelling)........ Anyhow here are the very first ones I have done and I would LOVE some critiques! The pattern is a Zebra Midge from a manual the Healing Waters folks loaned me. I also looked at a couple of you tube videos as well. I practiced attaching thread, half hitches, and whip finishes for hours and was confident enough to go on. I ONLY have an assortment pack from Hook And Hackle and some smaller hooks I got from SkipJack so I tried to match the hooks as closely as I could before having a mentor let me know what works here in Colorado. So here are the pics....be honest!!!! I can take it!!!! This was my first fly!!!! Keeping it for my God Children... This is it on my cutting mat..... Here was my second attempt....this was done on a Scud/Emerger Hook Size 18 SE7 from Wapsi..... Finally here is the room I cleared out to tie flys and building my rods....in the back of the room I have a cabinet that keeps my homemade rod wrapping Jig and supplies. Look forward to all your criticisms and advice! One thing I can say....PRACTICING is a great way to start out. I couldn't get down the whip finish from books but after watching some videos and cutting off TONS of thread (don't ask) I can do it fairly well now! Had the folks at Healing Waters told me to just jump in and tie I would have been VERY frustrated trying to finish these off. Practice, for me, made me feel very comfortable after doing all my thread wrapping.... Cheers, Mike
  11. Hello Everyone, I am brand new to the world of Fly Fishing and have just finished building my very first Fly Rod! The experience was truly a blessing and it has helped me in so many ways. I have nothing but praises for the volunteers at Project Healing Waters. Was it not for them I doubt I would even attempt fly fishing at all. I retired from the USAF 4 years ago and health issues have precluded me from getting back into fishing. I have fished for over 35 years but I had always thought that fly fishing was something too complex or expensive to even attempt. I suppose it is like any hobby/passion/addiction that once you get "hooked" you are in it for life! The entire rod building experience was very therapeutic for me and I met some incredible folks. One thing that I found was that when I was wrapping guides and attempting some basic creative touches is that I was essentially pain free. My brain was so engrossed in the details that I didn't have a care in the world. Several of the volunteers and all of the folks in our class recommended that I start learning how to tie my very own flies. They all stated that it was VERY relaxing and rewarding. My goal is to be able to tie my own flies, use the rod that I built, and actually begin to catch my first trout! My wife is 110% supportive of me in this. She was actually brought to tears seeing just how happy I was and my pain left me during my rod building. I started learning about fly tying about a week ago (while I was waiting for my epoxy to set on my rod) and started making a list of things I would need to begin. I had not found this community until late last night and figured this would be a great place to learn and share experiences. Thanks for allowing me to become a member here! Regards, Mike
  12. Hi all, I haven't been on this site for long (only a few minutes to be exact), yet I'd like any feedback and advice any of you experienced tiers can give me. I've only tied about a dozen or so flies in my life, all of which have been in the last week. So far I'm really enjoying it, but I'd like some constructive criticism on how I can improve. If my pictures attach, here's a few of my better flies that I've tied, at least what I think are my better ones. Thanks a lot.
  13. Tomorrow,Saturday,I am attending an Orvis fly tying Class for beginners. Can anyone offer advice on what tools and materials to bring home? Maybe nothing. I do want good quality tools. I know materials will vary depending upon the specific fly or nymph. Sources?
  14. Tomorrow,Saturday,I am attending an Orvis fly tying Class for beginners. Can anyone offer advice on what tools and materials to bring home? Maybe nothing. I do want good quality tools. I know materials will vary depending upon the specific fly or nymph. Sources?
  15. Here's a great pattern that I want to share with everyone. This is Tracy Peterson's Skinny Nelson, which I explain everything regarding it in the video. What I want to stress, especially for beginning tyers, is the second half of the video, where I go through a couple variations of the Skinny Nelson. Varying a fly can be difficult if you are just started @ tying, thus why I spent some time there. Enjoy! TC
  16. Hi all, My name is Luis. I've been fly fishing for a couple of years and last month got as a birthday gift a new fly tying vise and here I am. Great forum by the way, incredible useful and helpful. I am using Charlie Craven's book which is excellent (and if you donwload the flybench app it is even more helpful. Somone should make a pack and sell it) Having said this I think I have got a problem... I have become obsessed with the idea that us begginers trend to "overdub" big time. The thing is that I think that because of that all my flies look a bit skinny. So here is the question... Please take a look at my flies. What do you think? Do they have the right proportions? any tricks for the correct dubbing proportion? (I don't buy the "take half and then half again" ;-) ) Thanks a lot, Luis
  17. So, new to fly fishing and tying, and new to this forum. I started fishing about a year ago and immediately became just as interested in tying as I was in the rest. So I began with a $12 vise from Gander Mtn. and youtube videos. A year later and I'm finishing up a TU class and have eight to ten patterns that I can tie and enjoy doing so. My question is, in the learning process, do you find slumps in your progression? I feel like all of my flies have the same flaws -- tail too long, legs too long, body too slim, dubbing not quite right, etc. -- even though I know what the flaws are and am mindful of it with every next fly. Is it something that just takes practice? I try to tie at least two or three flies every day, even if just for the practice alone. Regardless, I love doing it, so I guess that's all that matters, just frustrated that my flies don't quite turn out how I'd like them. Additionally, not having any books, etc. on tying (maybe if I did, this would be answered), does anyone have suggestions on a progression of patterns? For example, in the class, we've gone from caddis nymphs to emergers to pheasant tail nymphs to wooly buggers to a simple streamer to simple dries. But I'm getting tired of tying the same things and want something different. An older neighbor fishes only dries and loves the Royal Wulff and what looks to be an Adams parachute (he gave me a couple that he'd tied but only knew the name of the Wulff) and I thought those would be good to get beyond the simply dries that we learned in class (rusty spinner and deer hair caddis). Anyway, any suggestions, advice, consolation welcomed and appreciated. =) ~k
  18. What are some good beginner fly tying books and fly patterns? For the flies can somebody liast 10 fly patterns?
  19. New here and new to tying. Live in Madison, WI and fish the Driftless. I welcome any input on how to get started, what to tie and what to avoid. Thanx
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