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The twelfth year of Caddis for Christmas is here. First 12 with “I’m an Elf”. Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply; toe tags and return postage, funds, or PayPal. International swappers welcome as always. Please use a return envelope that is at least 6” X 9” or so in case Santa has a little something extra to slip inside. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2024, WHICH IS 7 WEEKS AWAY. 1. jburge 2. troutguy - Received 3. trouttramp - Received 4. vicrider - Received 5. flytire- Received 6. cphubert - Received 7. darrellP - Received 8. psychoprince - Received 9. woodenlegs - Received 10. cencalfly - Received 11. mudfish620 SM. Fishin' Santa Bob Bob Nelson 4233 Hedge Ave. Sacramento, CA 95826-6517
The eleventh year of Caddis for Christmas is here. First 12 with “I’m an Elf”. Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply; toe tags and return postage, funds, or PayPal. International swappers welcome as always. Please use a return envelope that is 6 X 9 or so in case Santa has a little something extra to slip inside. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2023, WHICH IS 6 WEEKS AWAY. 1. Flytire - Extended Body Grannnom Caddis - Received 2. cphubert - Woven Caddis Nymph - Received 3. agn54 - Deer Hair Caddis - Received 4. Woodenlegs - Caddis nymph - Received 5. Byron Anderson - Opal Streaking Caddis - Received 6. Trouttramp - Rockworm - Received 7. Vicrider - Caddis - Received 8. Chasing_Tails - Hi-Float Caddis - Received 9. DarrellP - Nemes' Mother's Day Caddis - Received 10. gadabout - October Caddis Pupa - Received 11. jburge - Bastian's Floating Caddis Emerger - Received 12. troutguy - Caddis - Received SM. Fishin' Santa Bob - Spent Partridge Caddis - Done
After receiving several requests, the tenth year of Caddis for Christmas is here. First 12 with “I’m an Elf”. Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply; toe tags and return postage, funds, or PayPal. International swappers welcome as always. Please use a return envelope that is 6 X 9 or so in case Santa has a little something extra to slip inside. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2022, WHICH IS 6 WEEKS AWAY. 1. JBurge - Clown Shoe Caddis - Received 2. DarrellP - Rockworm - Received 3. CenCalFly - Rootbeer Nitro Caddis - Received 4. Woodenlegs - Schmidt's Caddis Larvae - Received 5. Flytire - Balloon Caddis - Received 6. Flygirl - Rockworm - Received 7. Johnw1986 - October Caddis - Recieved 8. WWKimba - Marshmallow Caddis - Received 9. Vicrider - Recieved 10. Old Hat - Caddis Flymph - Received 11. Troutguy - Received 12. Niveker - Tripple Threat Caddis - Received SM. Fishin' Santa Bob - CDC & Elk Caddis - Done
Caddis for Christmas IX After receiving several requests, the ninth year of Caddis for Christmas is here. First 12 with “I’m an Elf”. Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply; toe tags and return postage, funds or PayPal. International swappers welcome as always. Please use a return envelope that is 5 X 9 or so in case Santa has a little something extra to slip inside. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2021 WHICH IS 6 WEEKS AWAY. 1. JBurge - Received 2. Jacktjl - Received 3. DarrellP - Received 4. Vicrider - Received 5. WWKimba - Received 6. Atxdiscgolfer - Received 7. Woodenlegs - Received 8. Troutguy - Received 9. Johnw1986 - Received 10. Horseshoes - Received 11. Flytire - Received 12. Niveker SM. Fishin' Santa Bob WE ARE FULL
If you have been on the Forum for any length of time you know I love Caddis Flies. So lets tie some; any size, any stage, any style. Usual rules, toe tags, return postage, funds or PayPal. First 12 with "I'm In" DUE DATE: JULY 9 - SIX WEEKS FROM TODAY 1. Niveker - Chuck Caddis - Received 2. Woodenlegs - Elk Hair Caddis - Received 3. Atxdiscgolfer - Received 4. Vicrider - Bug Eyed Caddis Nymph - Received 5. WWKimba - Dark Longhorn Caddis, Tied Down Caddis, Apple Caddis - Received 6. Psychoprince - Received 7. Johnw1986 - Received 8. Dropped out 9. Mikemac1 - Hi-Vis CDC Caddis - Received 10. Noahguide - Butch Caddis - Received 11. DarrellP - Received 12. Mkresio - No Show SM - Fishingbobnelson - Wolford's Caddis (Egg Laying) - Done WE ARE FULL
Caddis for Christmas VIII Back by popular demand; the eighth year of Caddis for Christmas. First 12 with “I’m in”. Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply; toe tags and return postage, funds or PayPal. International swappers welcome as always. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2019 WHICH IS 6 WEEKS AWAY. 1. Jburge - Bead Head Furled Caddis - Received 2. Vicrider - Cased Caddis - Received 3. Jacktjl - Christmas Caddis - Received 4. Psychoprince - No Show 5. DarrellP - October Caddis & Rockworm - Received 6. Woodenlegs - Caddis Nymph - Received 7. Mikemac1- Tan CDC Caddis Emerger - Received 8. WWKimba - Easy Tie Adult Caddis and Alpaca Emergers - Received 9. Cphubert - Winged Ginger Caddis & Latex Caddis Rockworm - Received 10. Dflanagan - Black Caddis - Received 11. Johnw1986 - Green Caddis Rockworm -Received 12. Troutguy - Sparkle Brown and Gray Caddis - Received SM. Fishing Bob - Egg Laying Wolford's Caddis - Done SANTA IS VERY HAPPY, THE SWAP IS FULL, FLIES ARE IN THE MAIL!
Caddis for Christmas VII Back by popular demand; the seventh year of Caddis for Christmas. First 12 with “I’m in”. Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply; toe tags and return postage, funds or PayPal. International swappers welcome as always. Santa may include a little something extra. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 7, 2019 WHICH IS 6 WEEKS AWAY. 1. DarrellP - Received 2. Woodenlegs - Received 3. Vicrider - Received 4. r2732 - Received 5. noahguide -Received 6. Johnw1986 - Received 7. Professori - Received 8. dflanagan - Received 9. troutguy - Received 10. jburge - Received 11. Mikemac1 - Received 12. Samsonboi - Received SM. Santa Bob - Done ALL FLIES HAVE ARRIVED!
Caddis for Christmas VI Back by popular demand; the sixth year of Caddis for Christmas. First 12 with “I’m in”. Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply; toe tags and return postage, funds or PayPal. International swappers welcome as always. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2018 WHICH IS 6 WEEKS AWAY. 1. Jburge - Cutter's E/C Caddis - Received 2. Vicrider - Sparkle Pupa Caddis - Received 3. Vicente - No Name Caddis - Received 4. Flytire - Trueblood's & Bird's Caddis - Received 5. Woodenlegs - Cased Caddis - Received 6. Rockworm - Cinnamon Chuck Caddis & Rhyacophilia Larva - Received 7. r2732 - Grouse and Flash - Received 8. Breambuster - Green Caddis - Received 9. Cphubert - CDC and Peeping Caddis - Received 10. Utyer - Floating Caddis - Received 11. Troutguy - Grannom Pupa - Received 12. DavidHE - Egg Laying Caddis - Received Santa. Fishin' Bob - Oregon Orange Caddis - Done HO HO HO ALL FLIES HAVE ARRIVED!!
Back by popular demand, Caddis for Christmas. First 12 with, "I'm in". Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply, toe tags, and return postage or funds. International swappers welcome with PayPal. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 9, WHICH IS 6 WEEKS AWAY 1. Jacktjl - Received 2. Flytire - Received 3. Trouta_Control - Received 4. Chugbug27 - Received 5. Woodenlegs - Received 6. Add147 - Received 7. EuroOrBust - Received 8. Dflanagan - Received 9. Atxdiscgolfer - Received 10. Eastern Fly - Received 11. Rockworm - Received 12. Mogup - Received SM. Christmas Surprise Caddis - Done ALL SWAP FLIES HAVE ARRIVED!
Back by popular demand, Caddis for Christmas. First 12 with, "I'm in". Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply, toe tags, and return postage or funds. International swappers welcome. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 7, WHICH IS 5 WEEKS AWAY 1. jburge - Diving Caddis, soft hackle - Received 2. flytire - Glass Caddis - Received 3. branden_fritzemeier_67 - Caddis Emerger - Received 4. DavidHE - Apple Caddis - Received 5. jmckaughan - St Vrain Caddis - Received 6. add147 - Peacock and Elk Caddis - Received 7. netabrookie - Caddis Emerger and Deerhair Caddis - Received 8. mvendon - Henryville Special - Received 9. DavidR - Yuba Pupa - Received 10. tyler94 - X-Caddis - Received 11. breambuster - October Caddis - Received 12. Bryon Anderson - Deep Sparkle Pupa - Received SM. Christmas Surprise Caddis - Done THE SWAP IS FULL All flies are here!
This worked so well last year, lets do it again. First 12 with "I'm in". Pretty simple swap; tie 12 Caddis Flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply, toe tags and return postage or funds. International swappers welcome. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 8, WHICH IS 5 WEEKS AWAY. 1. Border Collies - Barr's Web Wing Caddis - Received x 2. Piker 20 - Red Sedge - Received x 3. Netabrookie - Caddis Pupa - Received x 4. Vicrider - Cased Caddis - Received x 5. Rockworm - Rhyacophila Larva - Received x 6. Jburge - CDC Parachute Caddis - Received x 7. JayWirth - Elk Hair Caddis - Received x 8. J-Kno - Emerging Caddis - Received x 9. Horseshoes - Deer Caddis - Received x 10. Shoebop - CDC and Deer Caddis - Received x 11. DavidHE - Sparkle Quill Caddis Pupa - Received x 12. Bryon Anderson - Goddard Caddis - Received x SM: Christmas Surprise Caddis - Done x HAPPY HOLIDAYS, THE SWAP IS FULL ! ALL THE FLIES ARRIVED BEFORE THE DUE DATE! THANK YOU ALL.
I sent a pm to some members about this swap so there are only two spots left. Pretty simple swap. Tie 12 Caddis flies, any style, any size, any stage. Standard rules apply, toe tags and return postage or funds. International swapers welcome. DUE DATE: DECEMBER 16, WHICH IS 5 1/2 WEEKS AWAY. 1. Horseshoes - Wild and Crazy Caddis - Received 2. Professori - Shark's Caddis - Received 3. Jburge - Henry's Fork Caddis - Received 4. Rockworm - Green Rockworm - Received 5. Eastern fly - Tan and Black egg layer - Received 6. Troutguy - green Hydropsyche caddis larva - Received 7. Lycos33 - Peacock Caddis - Received 8. Rffleriversteelheadslayer - CDC and Foam Caddis - Received 9. DavidHE - Peeking Caddis - Received 10. Cencalfly - Tripple Threat Caddis - Received 11. J-Kno - Go2 Caddis - Recieived & Recieived 12. Fletchfishes - X2 Caddis - Recieived SM. Nelson's Caddis (what else?) - Done SWAP IS FULL