The CDC Dry Fly Midge is a perfect imitation for a midge hatch. These tiny flies are fairly easy to tie if you have good eyes, and do really well tandem behind a Griffith's gnat or larger dry fly. They are also really quick to tie, so you can make up dozens of them in an hour for your next trip. Don't be caught off guard by the next midge hatch! keep these in your box at all times!
Hook: Daiichi 1110 size 26 (any 1x length dry fly hook will work) regularly tied from size 20-32.
Thread: 8/0 thread in black, or any color you want to tie this in. Regularly tied in gray, brown, olive and cream.
Hackle: The top feathers of a dry fly cape. These are very small hackle feathers, specifically for small midge flies.
Wings: CDC Feathers. I used "natural dun" color, but common colors are white, brown, and gray.
Music: Sunny, ukulele -