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Found 11 results

  1. Well I have tied my first flies. I only tied Griffiths Gnats and I uploaded them. Tell me what you think. Here is the first one. And here is the last one I finished. Still need some practice
  2. Hello from Destin, FL... I am Captain Mote... I am not new to tying but have a lot to learn... I'm use to tying crappie jigs and a few trout flies.. I'm now looking into tying saltwater flies and jigs as well as growing my tying skills in general! I look forward to learning a lot!
  3. Hi All, First off, thank you for allowing me access to the Forum. I am a total virgin at fly tying at the ripe old age of almost 70. I did a little fly fishing in California about 55 years ago, in fact, I will be using the same rod and reel to begin again! I bought a Gander Mountain beginner's kit and have tied about 15 flies, so far. (Some pretty good and some very questionable). Texas fishing licenses expire on August 31st every year and I refuse to pay full price for a license that I will have to renew in a month and a half! So, in the meantime, I will be tying flies. I want to get a Kayak and chase down some good Bluegill holes (with an occasional Bass thrown in). I look forward to viewing what you all have done and 'stealing' some of your ideas. Tim Cammisa put on to this forum, so, if I bomb out, you can blame it on him! Texas is not known for fly fishing. We have the Gulf saltwater folks and the bait casting, plastic worm, crank bait folks after Black Bass. Oops, almost forgot the abundance of Striper/Sand bass people, however, they are mostly limited to spring time spawning runs. Anyway, I hope to turn a few folks on to the fun of fly fishing, where even a good sized Bluegill is a thrill! Best wishes to all, Roland
  4. Hello world! I started fly fishing this year. I picked up an outfit around March of this year. So far I've been fishing ponds, creeks and occasionally the Tennessee River for bream and bass. I just started fly tying about five days ago and so far I've tied some woolly buggers, some clouser minnows and some bluegill spiders. The only thing more fun than catching a fish is catching one on a fly I made. I'm also interested in glass rods and rod-building (someday). So far I've got a Scientific Angler Panfish outfit, and an Eagle Claw 6"6' Featherlight 3/4 weight. Glad to find this forum! Bill
  5. First year as a fly fisherman. Don't even have a rod and real yet. Anxious to learn. Always looking for new fishing buddies.
  6. Keep in mind that I have only been doing this since last week and using whatever I can find and a Gander Mountain beginner's kit. I have to say that I have learned a lot. My best ones were copied from the internet. I did hit it lucky with a few on my own. I must have tied at least 30 - 35 flies, but, it has been a lot of fun. I like my Bug Eyed Popper (next to last) the best....we shall see if it catches anything!!
  7. I have been tying flies for my 2nd year now more exclusively. As of this moment, I feel I am more of a tyer than a fly fisherman. Been out twice only fly fishing. In the past, I would tie about 20 some flies for the whitebass run and walleyes in Spring in WI and MN, but these flies are fished with a spinning setup. Being a member of several Facebook groups and meeting people on the river and stores, I always ask the following questions when others share of their catch: What size was the fly? What color was the fly? Was it weighted? Typically, when people post pictures of their catch or their fly, if it sparks my interest, I am usually the first to prompt those questions being that I am still learning. I do not see many asking those questions, hence am I rude or without manners when I ask those questions? I consider myself a largemouth bass fisherman as well. It is somewhat of a taboo to even inquire about the lure and especially the lake or location on the lake where the monster bass was pulled from. I understand this "rule" and always wonder it, but know it is not too polite to ask especially how every lake and body of water seems to be a secret lake. Another reason why I ask the questions is, I have not done enough scouting the water for insects to know what the insects look like besides what I see online of real pics and flies made to mimic it. For example: I finally found my first caddis larvae last weekend when I caught my first brown trout. The caddis was brown and a size 24. Doing a typical google search, most caddis's are green and usually tied on hooks 12-16. With this knowledge now, I feel like I wasted time and money tying green caddis flies in size 16 when the real one sample that I found can be better matched at size 20-22. Considering all of this so far...is it rude or impolite for me to ask those questions? Just want to know if there is an unspoken boundary.
  8. Hi, I'm a new to fly tying. My vice arrived yesterday and I've bruised the bandwidth watching youtube. Here is my first fly, a black woolly bugger. I've done a mashup of tightlinevideo, david mcphail and intheriffle's techniques. ANY and ALL advice and criticism would be much appreciated. I've been watching this site for sometime (while I plucked up the courage to invest in the vice) and I know there are lots of helpful, experience people out there. Thanks.
  9. Hi all im new to this forum, but i have been reading along for some time now.. is a joy to see all of your wonderfull creations! i my self have just begon to tie realistic, i would like to show you my first attempt ever! what do you think? Steffan - Denmark
  10. Well hello guys, My Name is Miles and I'm from Derbyshire in the UK. I first used this site about 15 years ago when I was 14, 15 ish and I had just started tying flies! I ran a couple of swaps and got really into it. I then went off to uni and lost site of normality being engulfed with studies and alcohol, (mainly alcohol though!!). I then went and got married, and had a baby girl, and before I knew it I was separated from the wife and found I had a bit more time on my hands! For Christmas Dad went and got me a few bits and pieces to start off with so I thought I would post a few first attempts on here and open myself to comments and constructive criticism! Please feel free to comment! I'm going to have a go at a few parachutes tonight as Dad is off to Slovenia at the end of next month, (and doesn't tie as good as me!!) Kind Regards, Miles
  11. Hi ya'll !! I'm new on here and to fly Fishing. My Daughter got me started a year ago on fly fishing and I really liked it. I call my self "hillbilly" because I'm a transplant fron the Blue Ridge Mts. of Va. I just began tying my own flies (what a challenge) . As a rookie I run into a few problems, so I thought that this would be a great place to pick the brains of experts (the guys at Cabellas) know me on site. So I just thought I would introduce my self and look for others in Boise or any place in Idaho that would help a Po boy out.
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