Hey Everyone,
I am normally just fishing for trout in SouthEastern Minnesota but recently I got the chance to head up to Park Rapids to stay with my girlfriend at her cabin for a whole week. It is on Long Lake; it apparently holds walleye, pike, bass, and sunnies. I am trying to go for walleye or pike. So I have a few questions...
1) where should I be searching for them? I never really fished a lake and don't understand where the fish will be holding.
2) What flies should I be tying? Any favorite patterns out there that you would kindly share with me?
3) how should I be retrieving? So basically what technique should I be using?
4) I own a 5 wt rod. What should I be getting for leaders and such(setup)?
5) what do you think you this fly pictured here for them?
Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!