I want to identify mayfly in my area. Having problems to ID and that affects my confidence during the already technical fall baetis hatch at local spring creeks. I'm sure attached are within "Baetidae". But as you can see, these are not typical "dark olive", which we usually fish for at this time of year. What we typically call BWO around here are, regardless of technical latin or classification, dark-olive and sizes 20 & 22. But these are gray, light gray, or even light olive body. One even has somewhat reddish/pinkish abdomen! And majority of these are size 24.
Another problem is that I can't find aquatic entomologists around here (quite a shame as our area is one of top fly-fishing destinations in Montana, if not entire US.....). What should I do?
I know Troutnut and Westfly websites. Is there anybody I can send my pics and viral samples?