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Hot needle comparadun

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I believe I saw a link on this forum for a comparadun being finished off with a hot needle applied to the under-side of the hook below the wing. This fixed the wing.  I forgot to save the link. I searched this site for it, and searched you-tube, but with no luck.

Sound familiar?  I appreciate the help.

Thanks,   Bob H


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I didn't know that trick. Good stuff.  You could also add a micro drop of fabric cement after shaping the fibers with the not needle--if there was any question about long-term durability.  It may not be necessary, but a needle -tip stroke of Aleene's Flexible Stretchable fabric cement would absolutely make it permanent.

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This is the best new internet fly ever  For me anyway.

Holy smokes.  When I was a Paradise Valley Montana spring creek guide the sparkle dun made a lot of tips happen for me.  However. When tying with coastal deer hair comparadun wings are tricky to make  and there isn't any color flexibility.  This fly opens the doors of perception, into a new frame of reference.

Datus Proper used to tie a "Perfect Dun" that was a bit like this.  Datus used one  looooong front to back figure wrap underneath to splay a traditional hackle out sideways on bottom, a lot like this.  But this technique I like better. Ding!

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