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Fly Tying

Hoppers, Beetles and Ants, Oh My - Flies are in the Mail

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Let's see your best Grasshopper, Beetle or Ant pattern, or any other terrestrial you like to tie.  First 12 with "I'm in".  Tie 12 with toe tags, return envelope and postage. 

Due Date JULY 8, 2022

1. troutguy - Received

2. psychhoprince - Received

3. Johnw1986 - Received

4. WWKimba - Received

5. Danthebugman - Received

6. Woodenlegs - Received

7. Stabgnid - Received

8. Trouttramp - Received

9. jburge - Received

10. flytire - Received

11. Vicrider - Received

12. Shmang - Received

SM.  Fishingbob - Flying Black Ant - DONE

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I’m in put me down for beetle’s 

and number 6 please 

omg a request   /.  Flies have been posted 



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If I tie hoppers of the size of the mutant ones here in western OK you'd need to throw them with a 12 weight for musky. If I make them a little smaller they should be okay for average fish. Or I might get to vise and take a completely different direction. Either way, I'll put something on a hook for you.

I typed this yesterday but forgot to sent it I guess. Anyway, I better be in. I've got half of the dozen tied already plus several experiments to establish a pattern I think will look good in the box and catch fish also.

ps...I did sit at vise and take a different path. I won't compete with flytire or the other great hopper tiers on the board so I have something different for the group.




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