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Mini Feathered Gamechanger

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The Gamechanger was originally created by Blane Chocklett and consists of multiple spines to make a moveable tail.  The pattern has soon become a more style of flies rather than one specific pattern.  People use feathers to make feathered gamechangers, You can make your own dubbing brush to create one with specific materials, or you can go with Chockletts own game changer chenille that he created to make tying these a little easier like I did in the last Gamechanger Video.   Today Im tying the Feathered Changer which I feel has even more movement in the water.  They work great for just about any species of fish that target small baitfish.  Bass, pike, predatory brown trout, and even some saltwater species like redfish and tarpon.  

Not only can you make a very realistic looking baitfish imitation with this style of fly, but you can also make a realistic swimming imitation.  There are times where I will go out and throw everything in my box at bass or other weary fish and will get some followers, but none seem to want to commit.  Then I throw one of these on, and the same bass that followed the other flies all the way up only to change their mind last minute will not hesitate to engulf the game changer.   The combination of the amazing movement, and the great look of this fly usually will entice even the most shy fish.   





Hook:  Gamakatsu SL12-S 1X short (Size 4)
Discount Hook:  Risen short shank saltwater hook (size 1)
Thin Thread: Veevus 6/0 (Olive)
Thick Thread: Veevus 140 (Olive)
Shanks: Fish-Skull Articulated Spines (Starter Set).
Tail:  Whiting Chickabou (Grizzly Olive)
Flash: Midge Krystal Flash (Pearl)
Eyes: Fish Skull Living Eyes (5mm, Earth)
Filler resin: Solarez Thin
Finishing resin: Solarez Bone Dry 

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i notice you have removed the "s" from the url address and that still hasnt worked for you in your posting 

i am baffled as to why it didnt work for you



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Yeah like I said, I have tried all the options and none work.  Decided to put alll the possible ways into one post to see.  Still nothing.  Im baffled as well.  HAHA.  Like I said, I suspect im somehow blocked from it.  Not sure really.  Its ok.  Not a big deal.  I just feel bad for everyone having to click my video first before seeing the picture on what it is.  And thank you Silver for always helping me on this.  LOL 

BTW, somehow I posted in the wrong section here, sorry everyone.  I meant to post in the patterns section rather than this one.  

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6 hours ago, SilverCreek said:

You are very welcome.

Keep posting the links and I will get your videos up.

Thank you

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