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Fly Tying
Topher W.

Fly Tyer Magazine-- 1995- Volume 1- Issues 1-2-3-4

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I am looking for the 1995 issues of Fly Tyer Magazine. This would be Volume 1- issues 1-2-3-4.

I am willing to purchase these 4 issues, but at the very least would appreciate a scan of the

front cover, the back cover, the table of contents, and the columns page in that order. I have scanned

every issue from 1996- Volume 2- issues 1-2-3-4 to 2022 - Volume 28- issues 1-2, which is currently

up to date with the published issues. I am currently attempting to put this into a usable format that

would allow the user to access information without having to physically flip through each issue.

Any info or help would be appreciated. Chris


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1 hour ago, Topher W. said:

would appreciate a scan of the front cover, the back cover, the table of contents, and the columns page in that order.

Front, back and table of contents I understand.

Not sure what "the columns page" is.

Is that the page labeled columns  & departments?


Is that each and every article in the magazine?

I have Volume 1 #1 and Volume 1 #2 and can scan those 4 pages for you.

Do you want them pdf format or ?

And how do i get them to you?


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My collection of Fly Tyer goes back into the 70's.  During the early and mid 1990's, Fly Tyer merged with American Angler.  In 1995 it came out again as Fly Tyer.  

The FIRST issue that I have is Volume I issue 2.  Dated 1978 Editor/Publisher was Dick Surette.  Conway NH was the address then.  At one time in the early 2000 I made a trade with someone on the current Fly Tyer Forum (who is now no longer with us.) My collection is fractured in many places, but I do have about between 95 and 105 Tuck issues. Last Year.  

The Year 1995 is missing from my collection, 1996 on to last year is mostly there, but some issues are missing.

Anyone interested in the entire collection PM me.  

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They only had two issues for 1995, then combined the fall/winter 1996 issue.




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23 hours ago, Topher W. said:

I am looking for the 1995 issues of Fly Tyer Magazine. This would be Volume 1- issues 1-2-3-4.

I am willing to purchase these 4 issues, but at the very least would appreciate a scan of the

front cover, the back cover, the table of contents, and the columns page in that order. I have scanned

every issue from 1996- Volume 2- issues 1-2-3-4 to 2022 - Volume 28- issues 1-2, which is currently

up to date with the published issues. I am currently attempting to put this into a usable format that

would allow the user to access information without having to physically flip through each issue.

Any info or help would be appreciated. Chris


I'd be real careful if I was you IF you don't have permission from Morris Media to copy and do this. It's all copyright material and you could be heading into legal troubles if you copy and sell their work. I battle this all the time with people who copy and repost my work as there own. 

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Hi-  Thanks for the heads up. It is my understanding that because I purchased

said  material, that manipulation of that material for personal use is legal. I

am not looking to Sell anything.    Thanks

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