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Fly Tying

Building my own fly tying bench

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I've spent this weekend building my own bench. Figured this would be more fun and a lot cheaper than just buying one.


Check out the pics!



I'm pretty much done. Just waiting for some things to dry and I'll be adding the magnetic strips and buttons, adding some foam to put flies on, and some hooks on the arm edges to hang things from. Then all that's left is to burn my names into the corner!

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Thanks, they are actually just cutting boards I bought from Wal Mart.


I built this for just under $50. Not bads at all compared to the prices of ones I've seen in stores and online.

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Great bench, cool idea burning your name! Is that the green foam that ladies use for flower arragements?

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Very nice, I like the way you used materials to keep it easy on the pocket book. What do you think about that foam? I have picked it up many times but always put it down.

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Very nice, I like the way you used materials to keep it easy on the pocket book. What do you think about that foam? I have picked it up many times but always put it down.


I don't use that foam anymore. It crumbled up too easy and didn't stay glued to where I wanted it.

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Nice bench mate.I made my own the other week aswell but its no where near as good as yours.The magnetic strips are handy for drying you're flies on

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That's a nice bench. I made a cabinet a while back but I'm looking to redo it. I think I may steal your idea for the magnetic strips.

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nice bench luke I was thinking about bilding one myself but i cant find the time and i was looking for some ideas. and your pics were a gerat help. thanks

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