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Fly Tying

Pats Rubber Legs - The Resin Tying Technique

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Pat Bennett originally created the Pat's Rubber Legs which has turned into one of those patterns that is everywhere.  Every fly shop has them for sale, and just about every fisherman on a river has some in their box.  They are a fairly easy and quick fly to tie, which is kind of rare for a stonefly imitation.  Stonefly patterns tend to be somewhat complicated.  There are very few guide style (easy to tie) stonefly patterns, and I would suggest that the pats rubber legs might be the easiest of them all.  

So the original way of tying these flies is how I did it in the last video, with each leg individually tied in.  Some people have trouble with this technique for some reason.  So this week I made another pats rubber legs but with a different technique I saw on Tight Lines Productions.   That one uses resin to attach all 3 legs at the same time.  




Hook:  Risen 300's (size 10) 
Weight:  Lead Wire (.015) 
Thread:  Veevus 6/0 (brown)
Legs:  Bug Legs or spanflex (brown) 
Resin: Solarez Thin Formula 
Body:  Varigated Chenille (brown/yellow) 
Head Cement:  Solarez Ultra Thin UV Resin

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