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Fly Tying

Haven’t been around in a while!

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Howdy folks. I am not new here but I feel like it. Been away for close to 6 years. Nope, haven’t been in jail or anything like that. Just got lazy and stopped coming on here. Haven’t stopped fishing although I haven’t had much time to fish with Rona around and work. Hopefully that will all change now. Y’all take care!!!!

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Welcome back is in order but I must admit I too am just coming back. Not even sure how long I’ve been away but it’s been many years. Had been using my name or maybe ‘tyeflies’? 

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Well, glad to see a couple of you long absent guys coming back, not that I remember anyone anyway. I'm just glad our forum is still here for you. Too many of these types of forums have dropped by the wayside because the youngs folks want Facebook and TikTok and any of those other new instant gratification social media sites. Bulletin board forums like these are being phased out and I'm afraid when this generation is done with them they'll be a thing of memories for some only. I've lost two motorcycle sites because of gradual desertion of members and now just do a couple of FB sites on occasion. So if you're still tying come over and get in on some of our swaps. That section is still going strong most of the time.


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Vicrider,  I was on other forum sites, and it was younger guys. It is good to see other guys older or even younger take interest in fly tying.  You would hope some of the younger generation would carry on.  Times change, its good us older guys and gals hang in on these types of forums.  Thanks for sharing

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Welcome back, @Silkworm moth, hope to see more posts from you.

On other sites, it always amazes me the lack of knowledge that most fly tiers have of the history involved in our art/hobby, of the shoulders we stand on, and of the discipline and dedication required of those shoulders to get where we are.

 That's one of the reasons I appreciate this site (and a very few others) and those who post so often.  

But I'm a slightly (?) over the hill guy who is increasingly enjoying his slide into curmudgeoness, so take that for what it's worth. 


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Welcome back from someone who joined during your absence.  I'm a born and bred central NYer.  I've been tying for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for the past 11+ years.  I cut my teeth on swaps over on the Fly Angler's On-Line site back when it was still an on-line magazine.  I hope we cross paths soon.


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