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Noah The Flyfisherman

best warmwater/salt fly tying materials budget $100

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on sunday, i bought a 8 wt fly rod with a 7/8 wt reel & floating line, i fish in my local retention pond everyday for bass, bluegill, & catfish. i am trying to find some materials w/ amazon links to the products, i am having trouble gauging whats good & what isnt, when it comes to all the tying stuff. i have a bit of stuff (craft fur black/olive, brown hackle, dry fly dub, numph hooks sz 6 & sz 12 mustad 94840) i am going to florida in october for around a week so i want to tie some saltwater flies. 

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OK I will try again.  First thing you need is stainless hooks bronze hooks will corrode overnight in salt water.  The Mustad 34007 in size 1 and 1/0 would be a good way to start.  Then you will want to tie some Clouser Minnows, and some Schimminows.  Materials for the Clouser as simply a White Bucktail, bead chain or other dumbbell eyes crystal flash.  The Schimminos  are just white marabou, and Cactus Chenille.  I would suggest fishing the surf not the lagoons in the east coast.  (If that's where you will be headed.)

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I enjoyed the materials I’ve gotten from Fly Tyers Dungeon this far (minus the legs- I ordered too small). 

I also enjoy creating foam bugs/hoppers using 2mm thick foam from hobby lobby. For $1 you get a large sheet. Plenty of instructional videos to get the creativity flowing. I’ve yet to order any tying products from Amazon. 

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22 hours ago, Noah The Flyfisherman said:

on sunday, i bought a 8 wt fly rod with a 7/8 wt reel & floating line, i fish in my local retention pond everyday for bass, bluegill, & catfish. i am trying to find some materials w/ amazon links to the products, i am having trouble gauging whats good & what isnt, when it comes to all the tying stuff. i have a bit of stuff (craft fur black/olive, brown hackle, dry fly dub, numph hooks sz 6 & sz 12 mustad 94840) i am going to florida in october for around a week so i want to tie some saltwater flies. 

Your fly selection to both tie and fish is somewhat dependent on where you plan on fishing and what fish are your targeting.  Florida is a big place with a lot of saltwater fishing opportunities, not all the same.  Beaches, shallow grass flats, deep grass flats, channels, passes, sand bars, mangrove shorelines all are opportunities depending on location.  Sone flies are more suited for specific types of inshore opportunities as well.  As for species--Speckled trout, redfish, snook, ladyfish, mangrove snapper, Spanish mackerel, pompano and flounder can all be found in typical inshore waters in Florida.

The images below display a selection of typical saltwater flies I tie every year for a TU Banquet donation.  My fly boxes are full of the same flies when I fish the Central Florida Gulf coast.



Easy to Tie with few Materials:  Clouser, Seaducer, DT Special, Schninnow, Flash Minnow, Bendbacks, Thunder Creek Minnow, Gurgler

More challenging to tie with multiple materials:  Surf Candy, Deceiver, Clouser Half and Half, Disco Shrimp, Myaka Minnow, Borski Slider, Shrimpadillo, Redfish Crack, Merkin Crab, Kwan



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@mikemac1 has it right...many, if not all, of those patterns will serve well for fresh and salt water. Synthetics are a good way to go for product consistency...when you're on a budget it's even hard to throw away the material cutoffs and such...I'm a tight budgeted tyer as well...Amazon is not necessarily the best place to shop...Ebay works for material lots (search: fly tying material lot)...

J. Stockard is good (jsflyfishing.com)

Fly Tyers Dungeon has good deals

Bears Den is good 

most all of these sites have great customer service, give them a call, let 'em know you situation, they will help (I know this from personal experience)


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