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Fly Tying

Hello 👋

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Welcome to the site.  I'm a born and bred central NYer and a retiree myself.  I've been tying for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for the past 11+ years - this is what I do to keep my face off the post office walls.  I hope that we cross paths here soon.


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Congratulations on retirement, I can't figure out how I used to have time to work, I think I am busier now and time seems to go faster. 

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On 10/21/2022 at 6:21 PM, StriperVision said:

Hello recently retired with more time on my hands now and looking to find tips and knowledge !

Welcome. You'll get what you came for here. Of course if you can be a bit more specific that would sure help. Post some of your ties let's see the goods. We're a friendly bunch.

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