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Fly Tying

The challenge thread!

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23 minutes ago, Mibrooks27 said:

This is nt version of an October Caddis. Excuse the gum chewing. I had quite smoking and I needed to overdose on Nicolette’s to keep from crazy. 
This video was taken at the Caddis Fly Shop in Eugene. The instructions for tying this fly are pretty good.


Mr Brooks,

please read the first post in this thread on page one that explains this this thread, love your fly, but you should post it on the October flys of the month thread. 
Chalenge fly thread rules:

1. Tyer that accepts challenge has up to 5 days to tie the fly and post a picture, some leeway will be allowed on the number of days.

2. Only the first tyer that accepts the challenge will tie and post a picture of the fly

3. After posting pictures of the completed fly, that poster then names a new challenge fly.

4. Any version of the challenge fly is acceptable 

5. Have fun, this is not a competition, just a way to see some different versions of flies

6. Flies should be tied "fresh" for the challenge you accepted. Don't pull 'em out of the already tied box.

The next challenge fly to be accepted is  Wally Wing Hatch Matcher. 
Whoever accepts the challenge to tie this fly, then ties a version of it and posts a pic with the recipe. Then that tier gets to name the next fly to be tied. 
Reference the challenge fly list for the previous flys that have been tied, try to pick a pattern not tied.


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so there is no tyer for the Wally Wing Hatch Master

how about a different pattern

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Hook - Size 12 nymph hook 

Thread - White UTC 70

Tail - Mallard flank

Wing - Mallard flank

Body - Mallard flank fibers

Legs - White CDC

NEXT FLY - Wonder wing stonefly


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2 hours ago, MuskyFlyGuy said:


That is really an elegant fly!

I agree. That's beautiful. 

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19 hours ago, Poopdeck said:

cut for brevity.

Poopdeck, that's a real beauty.

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Wonder Wing Stone Fly

sz 12 2x long dry hook

140d black Vevus thread

black cdc fibre dubbed body

CDL grizzly feather wing

black Whiting hackle


Lets stay with wonder wings

Next fly up:



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Wonder Wing Caddis (var.)


  • Hook: Dry Fly Hook, Size 14
  • Thread: Tan, 70 DN
  • Body: Dry Fine Dubbing, Hares Ear
  • Wing: Pheasant Rump Feather
  • Hackle: Rooster Hackle, Silver Badger

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15 hours ago, flytire said:


what is the next challenge fly to be tied?

Whoops.  How about the Sunnyside Up Egg

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This one has been sitting a while so I’ll pick it up 


Sunny side up egg

Short shank hook 

Jig off Tungsten bead(was silver then covered in sharpie and dipped in head cement to cover) 

egg material of choice, I use McFly foam in pieces tried around the bead but you can use any egg material. 


next up: Golden Olive Bumble

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