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roaring river ?

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heya all, i was wondering if there is any who have fished roaring river in MO? If so any pointers on what flys i should tie for sept. trout fishing there? My father and i are planing a trip to do some trout fishing there in the month of sept., to do some big trout fishing.


Thank you in advance for any info provided-jason

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I have fished the trout parks in Missouri most of my life. I live in Hawaii now, but moved here recently. I was raised about 12 miles from Bennett Spring State Park near Lebanon, Mo.

Roaring River does not allow wading. For that reason alone I would suggest Bennett above it. All the state parks are crowded. If you go after school has started, in the middle of the week, it is the best. Weekends are a zoo and you will be disappointed.

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I have fished RR several times. It is basicsally a series of pools .it is not a very large stream but it does have some nice trout in it. There is wading in the C&R area and the in the river below the park.

Flies I would recommend small soft hackles 14 to 18 . Hares ear nymphs, scuds in tan and olive tan size 16 to 20, Trout crack same sizes same colors. Black wooly buggers or olive with brown hackle. size 10 to 14. Dries, Adams ,Renegades, light cahills size 16 to 20 ,Celery Midge, rusty spinners size 18 .

I agree Bennett springs is my favorite.

Need more info PM me


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