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Fly Tying
Kansas Basser

My first fly

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Hello all.

So, here it is. My first fly ever! So full of mistakes, but I love it! I got so excited about tying last night, I forgot to brush the resin onto the head. Hence, it will remain on display on my desk.

Be kind. I take criticism well, as long as it is criticism.




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Welcome to the forum nice 1st post! no criticism I think it will fish well we are always our worst critics if you know you can improve the pattern then save this one for lessons learned and to reflect back on or fish it hard and let the bass chew it up.

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Overall, it looks good.   You could still coat the body with UV resin.  You would just have to be careful in the back.  One thing I do is color the body and coat it with UV resin before I glue the body on the hook.  Eliminates the possibility of getting the UV resin on the tail materials.  A couple of things to think about.  Rather than tying the first batch of the silicone legs on the hook shank consider pulling them through the body.  It will reduce the clutter on the back of the shank and distribute the weight better.  Color the body, including the eye "sockets" before you put the eyes in.  My personal preference is not to use feathers for the tail, but as far as I can tell you have them tied in correctly, shiny side out.  Excellent job on the coloring, considering you're using the double barrel popper body.  It's tough to blend the colors with that particular body.  Excellent job.  You should catch a lot of bass with that fly.

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1 hour ago, cphubert said:

we are always our worst critics



2 hours ago, Kansas Basser said:

My first fly ever!

That's a big first bite!  Looks great if you ask me.  I'd keep it on my desk until you have tied the pattern to where you want it, then let the bass have at it!

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Thank you all for the comments. 

What I think I need to work on....if you look at it from the front, I need to work the popper head on so it is centered better. The tail feathers are too long, unless I want to try an articulated popper.....nope, not yet! I also need to learn a how to whip finish. I used 6 or 7 half hitches on this one and super glued them. I need to make where the tails butt up to the back of the popper head look better. Just takes practice!

Philly.... Does the UV coating make it more difficult to put the popper on the hook? And, after you are done tying, do you seal where the hook punctured through the popper head?

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