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Yvon's soft hackle pheasent tail

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On 3/8/2024 at 9:51 PM, john1962 said:

I just want to spend the time and try to tie the right way. Bad habits come easy and are hard to shake. That's a proven pattern for that area, and I plan to fish what works.

Never been to the eastern sierras.


I hear you. In that vein it's the mastery of technique(s)% rather than using an exact recipe list, cause they all work at one time or another. 

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This video from Fly Fish Food provides a breakdown of some sources for soft hackle feathers if you are interested.  It discusses price points for the various options as well as which options have dyed colors.  I hope this is useful.


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As a beginner with no clue, this is turning out to be rocket science, lol. I like the idea of using a hen saddle instead of partridge the quality has gone down over the years, and a hen saddle is more cost effective. With the naked eye I don't see much difference.


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 "It is a matter of considerable indifference to the fish," John Gerach 

He also said tying flies is like a witch's cauldron, materials need to be hard to find, vaguely obscure, and a little bit disgusting.  It's better if you get it from some farm kid than a fly shop.  It has to be the right stuff.  Like urine stained fur from the belly of a female fox.  Lol.

That being said, I love tying soft hackles with Partridge, Grouse, hen ( cheap ones from India are fine for larger flies), pheasant,  and Quail. They all work if not too stiff.


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11 minutes ago, flytire said:

fly tyers sure have a way at making things difficult 😁👍

🤣😅 so true, and none of my friends fish or ty flys, lol my life is so difficult. 🤪

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I wouldn't go spending $50 on two whiting hen saddles (Brahma mottled gray and mottled brown) in place of $45-$50 for a partridge pelt. Or even $25 for just one Brahma saddle. The partridge gives you better feathers and both colors. That video was a self serving Whiting ad, just my opinion.

2 hours ago, flytire said:


Gray partridge, no?

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I'm in tuscon arizona right now, here 0 to buy. Heading to barstow california Tuesday.

Driving up 395 to Bridgeport and on the way there I'm sure to find what I need. Then off to coleville on the walker river where I will be till October. I'm retired and spending my kids inheritance.

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Ok guys here it is my first pheasent tail tied from Yvon web page using what I have i substituted alot.

Size 12 nymph hook

Black danier 140 thread

Small copper wire

6 fibers pheasant tail 

Rabbit dubbing

And some tannish soft neck hackle

Using my wife's cellphone this time

Open to criticism 





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Totally fishable.

Here's a video showing the techniques you're using, (don't use same color scheme, it's imitating a fly that won't be hatching).


Here are some variations on your Yvon's, material-wise (all of course with gray partridge...):


And an SBS:


1 hour ago, john1962 said:

Driving up 395 to Bridgeport and on the way there I'm sure to find what I need

For partridge, better off stopping in Phoenix (and probably calling first). The 395 fly shops are surprisingly sparse for tying materials. 

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On 3/8/2024 at 8:51 PM, john1962 said:

I just want to spend the time and try to tie the right way. Bad habits come easy and are hard to shake. That's a proven pattern for that area, and I plan to fish what works.

Never been to the eastern sierras.


I have been fishing the Eastern Sierra since 1952 and fly fishing the same since 1974. I tie almost all of my own fly patterns and have been since 1974. There are two partridge skins that I use:


The above skin is from Nature's Spirit and has feathers that are predominately brown-ish..


This skin is from Wapsi and the feathers are predominantly grey...

This site (flyfishingthesierra.com) is where you got the info on Yvon's pattern:


These are some soft hackles I have tied with the hackle feathers for Wapsi:


Frankly, in my experience I don't think the Trout I have encountered in the Eastern Sierra have a preference...



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You’re well on your way. Proportions are something I cant get from a picture or a video. I would grab a tied PT soft hackle at the fly shop and use it as a model to help with proportions.

There’s many ways to skin the cat. I don’t know Yvon nor do I know how he ties his flies, but for me, 140 thread is a little large for a size 12. I’m partial to UTC 70.  I use separate bunches of PT fibers for the tail and body. Tie in the tail with one bunch, tying it all the way to the thorax to add a little bulk to the body. Tie in the body with a second bunch of fibers. When I wrap the PT fibers I wrap the thread back to the tail and then as I wrap the body fibers forward,  the fibers push the thread forward. This will keep the PT fibers close and next to each other as they are wrapped forward. Counter wrap the rib by wrapping the PT fibers around the shank going away from you and wrap the rib coming towards you, in the opposite direction, or vice versa.

by the way, a PT soft hackle is a great fly to learn on and fish. Keep at it your doing fine and your fly will indeed fish. 

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