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Burnishing tool

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Saw one of these used at the NW tying expo. 
The tier was tying up some fancy Atlantic Salmon flys and using it to smoothe out the floss wraps. 

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14 hours ago, Trouttramp said:

works pretty slick

Tried burnishing a floss body once, forget what I used but obviously it was not the appropriate tool as I ended up destroying it. Good to know what works. Wish I'd seen your offer earlier. 👍

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Way way back, when we had the salmon and classic wet fly sister forum, someone there mentioned these for a super bargain deal so I snapped one up. You can still find these on Amazon, but I think that the price went up a bit more than it was ten years ago. 



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That's what I've got, works great; you can still get them from China on eBay for $5 or so including shipping

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With the fine silks it is recommended to burnish in same direction as wrapping, more back and forth vertically, opposed to right to left ( back and forth).

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Bruce and others, Appreciate your information on burnish equipment and technique.  If possible, please post an image of the best angle for the tool to the silk on the hook.



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I think the "angle" is not overly important. The tools that Sandan posted are what I use and I simply lay the tool flat on the silk floss and rub in the direction of the wrap as Bruce pointed out. Due to the shape of those burnishers you will have access to even the smallest of flies or body segments which need burnishing. They are the best I've used over many years of tying.

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One additional thought. If you are using silk floss you will be able to get a SMOOTH almost shiny look to your fly's body.
If the floss of choice is modern synthetics like rayon getting that same look is extremely difficult. All too often the synthetic body looks lumpy.

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