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No Fishing Today-

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Another beautiful New England spring day!  A nice steady 30 MPH wind with gust to 55MPH, freezing rain which has now turned to snow.   Temps warm above freezing tomorrow and for the next 10 days.  My wife and I both have 4 X 4s so no need for me to clear the driveway but the high wind and weight of the Ice snapped the top 50' of a pine that landed across my Brother in Laws driveway next door.  Nothing our chain saws and the Kubota farm tractor can't handle.  It actually hit their power and telephone lines on the way down.  Pieces of the tree are stuck in the cables but he still has service at his house.  A lot of our area is without power.  How are the rest of you guys up here in the North East making out?




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Very similar in Upper Michigan.  This photo was Wednesday April 3rd, the middle of our road.  Power flickered most of the morning and early afternoon, off for about 40 minutes total.  Mostly annoying because I unplugged many of our smart home electronics and smart bulbs.  I feel it’s hard on them to be cycling off and on so fast and the bulbs start flashing to be reset.  The local news said there were many spots without power due to storm damage, but nothing over the top.  Today the snow is gone in the sunny spots and roadway, but still thick in the shade.  The ferocious winds are constant, about 15 sustained and 25+ mph gusts.  

On you will go Though the Hakken-Krakks howl.


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Ah fer cryin' out loud...In MN we'd drill a hole and sit on a 5 gallon bucket and keep fishing. It would be considered acceptable to turn your back to the wind but hiding at home was labeling yourself a wimp and being told to move to FL if you can't take a cool breeze.

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Vicrider, I wish we could ice fish!  The season was so bad, there are special emergency loans and funds for all the businesses impacted by the lack of snow and ice.  The dogsled races were canceled again this year.  I have never experienced such a mild winter and weird weather.  We could have used the snow around Valentine’s Day for the race.  Oh well.  It’ll be walleye season soon.

Here are some young Bald Eagles having fun in the wind out front of the house.  They don’t have white heads and tails yet.  You can see the snow is gone from the open areas.  It rained too, and that got rid of most of it.



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Yeah ... I had to go out in the cold this morning at 6:30.  It was only 52 degrees ... needed to put a jacket on.  Nicely warmed up to 75° F now.

I've got no problem admitting to being a wimp who can't take a "cool breeze?"


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17 hours ago, vicrider said:

Ah fer cryin' out loud...In MN we'd drill a hole and sit on a 5 gallon bucket and keep fishing. It would be considered acceptable to turn your back to the wind but hiding at home was labeling yourself a wimp and being told to move to FL if you can't take a cool breeze.

Hi VC, for me there’s really no point in ice fishing.  I don’t keep freshwater fish, never liked the taste of ‘em.  Besides around these parts It’s mostly a drinking sport and as a professional musician I already get my share of “beers with the guys” time.  For serious fly fisherman, the weather here in March and April is always a test of our mental wellbeing.  Here it seems like anytime it’s clear and warm, the wind starts to gust hard enough to make fly casting impossible.  If you want to fly fish you’ll need to wait until the wind is at a more reasonable level- usually that will be the next cold, rainy day.  It can be maddening after a long winter, but the beautiful month of May is coming!   I could never move to a state without wild trout streams-😲  

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Love that brutal winter weather ... it causes my phone to ring down here in paradise where we get all covered up when the weather is below 70 degrees... On the other end of the scale - when summer comes around I don't get too many bookings to fish the 'glades at all... even though the fishing gets better and better all summer long (while the actual jungle conditions get worse and worse...).   Thank heavens for night trips.

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I once did a night fishing trip on a brutally hot sweaty Florida summer night to beat the heat. I learned it’s still uncomfortably stinking hot with the addition of more bugs than I have ever seen anywhere at one time. Yep, you can have those night trips all to yourself. It’s been in the high forties here and the fishing is good moving towards fantastic. 

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Our night trips... are never in jungle areas at all (after a lot of years you learn where not to fish..). Instead we're fishing the urban areas (between Miami and Miami Beach in Biscayne bay - or up at Jupiter...) where we're pretty much bug free.  All of our night stuff revolves around docklights or in the shadows up under a bridge somewhere.  The night scene for us is all about sight-fishing and we're looking at every fish we encounter, mostly...  You have to stand off of docklights but in bridge shadows we're working so close to small (20 to 40lb tarpon mostly) that you can almost reach out and touch one with your rod...  It was the very first thing I was introduced to - in 1972.... and I'd been doing the night scene for a lot of years before I took up guiding.

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