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@flyflinger I’ve come to learn less is usually more in fly tying(and many other things).  50D nano silk really does help avoid bulk lol.  

thx @niveker

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Yes sir, I totally agree - less is usually better.  Fortunately, my earliest fly tying mentor Tom Lentz coached me many years ago to minimize materials (most of the time) to match the slender profile of most trout flies.  Of course in the 1970s there weren't nearly as many thread options.             

I sometimes use Semperfli 18/0 (30 Denier) . . . But I'm not generally a fan of gel-spun thread.  I find it too slippery, and requires waxing for reasonable purchase of materials, and many of the colors look washed out to me.  Just my 2¢ worth . . .


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3 hours ago, flyflinger said:

find it too slippery

Agreed, and you’re right the colours don’t stay, I had the 50D GSP in white and black only.  I use 12/0 or 14/0 veevus more but it doesn’t lay quite as flat.  Often I’ll use white and colour the thread with a sharpie if I don’t have what is needed.  

love 150D or 200D GSP for deer hair, any finer and it cuts the hair too much.  GSP is also great for tying with my kids, they still find a way to break it just much less often. 

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